Hey there, Crafty Pandas! Have you wondered how different the lives of rich people and the poor are? Well, we did! We present you a rich school girl vs poor school girl video where we explore funny student situations in their daily lives, school, and more awkward situations! Stay tuned for these funny comparisons between rich vs poor and more smart DIY ideas by Crafty Panda Bubbly!
00:00 Expensive Makeup vs Cheap Makeup
00:48 Rich People Hygiene vs Poor People Hygiene
02:10 Rich Student vs Broke Student At School
03:01 Rich People Lifestyle vs Poor People Lifestyle
03:32 Rich People Gym Clothes vs Broke People Gym Clothes
04:41 Rich Tooth Care vs Poor Tooth Care
05:40 Straightening Piggy Bank Money
06:28 DIY Cheap Shirt Steamer
07:18 Poor People Socks
Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa
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