Putin’s Push is inciting the need for full spectrum dominance

in hive-168850 •  3 months ago 

When you examine the ramblings and moves of Vladimir Putin you see an old man drowning in nostalgia. You are not far removed from knowing the efforts of your forefathers. History does not have to be forgotten for modern errors to be made. From a historical perspective major consequential pivots occur in nations when a present deficiency could be attributed to some lost ground of the past.

However, when you try to turn back time you can easily negate and spit on the tradeoffs that were made which even allows for that thought process. In the past when old men made war, young men fought and died. When you examine Eurasia, the far east is suffering and flirting with this unknown syndrome.

It is regrettable that North Korea chose to enhance rather than scale back anti-American rhetoric. There were high hopes that Kim Jong Un would be a contrarian within the opposition, but the efforts to distinguish themselves as a different people with different motives has fallen flat. Their activities used to be taboo, and then it was sort of normalized, but now it is taboo again.

The internal conflict for China post WW2 led to their Taiwan debacle. Today it is a conflict for the power base they want to project in the Indo-pacific. There is a lot of history between these two points. Geographically Taiwan became an impediment like Japan and South Korea.

There are CCP geezers still thinking about their long lost love whisked away to Taiwan they vowed to get back, and this is the excuse they are going to push for ‘reunification’. This is a threat to the patriarchy, this is a threat to the international players club. The far east needs to get it together.

Putin's Russia is antagonistic. They are attempting to thwart and reverse American development. The liberal international order already faces difficulties of being upheld by ‘western’ citizens. A breakdown would catapult authoritarian regimes whose nations would not function as is with the introduction of deeply rooted universal human rights.

Rather than supporting harmonious advancements that eliminates many predations for human civilization as a whole, they would rather support and see carnage based on differences such as race, religion, and political affiliation in the U.S.

The rift that is occurring is because it is inconceivable that they can structurally compete with the U.S on a global level. Nationalism in the U.S would be based on a conceptual scale and we are far from that. The pursuit of these ideas are so revolutionary that it puts several nations at risk of being an acute civilization.

There are certain developments that would change the rules of engagement. In the Ukraine war there has been a gradual desensitization of what will be tolerated or acceptable. The weaponry being provided to Ukraine is a statement that Russia may soon have to decide if they want a stalemate or if they can absorb a greater number of casualties.

It is expected they would rather delay that answer and help little fires burn around the world get bigger and combine. Israel is acting strange, and Hezbollah is aggravating tensions. It will be seen if Iran’s presidential elections will occur without an incident. Driving Iran to exhaustion, or Russia overly influencing their proxies will be bad news. The Iran that expelled western influence is now subjected to Russia.

Who knows what Russia expects from China, but the perks China received from the U.S such as very few instances of offensive encroachment is at its end. Regardless of how much China prepares for a hybrid war against the U.S they along with Russia will face the loss of legitimacy if this spills over to Africa.

Why use your minerals when you can use another's? We buy a lot of minerals from China and they source it from Africa. The United States has played a minimal role in the exploitation and extraction of minerals out of Africa, that was Europe. The Chinese are not nation building in Africa, they are China building and it has been uncontested.

There are too many weapons pouring into Africa from Russia that won’t stay in the Sahel region. If the UN and particularly the WTO have been obsolete it is because they failed to adhere to their charter. It was used as a front for the preferential treatment and subsidization of many countries. Now there is a situation where nations have the need to maintain the imbalance or have industry meltdowns.

Africa has a population with a median age in the teens. The fertility-income paradox between Africa and the rest of the world raises important questions for It is not wealth creation alone creating these disparities, and mutually exclusive results.

Before I get off track the bottom line is this. When the U.S shifts to Africa and finds partners, if China and Russia decide to arm other groups causing war they will lose. When millions are displaced they can’t go to China. Russia could at least accommodate some black Muslim's in the North Caucasus.

As the U.S-China decoupling continues, many countries will have to decide which supply chains they would rather trust and how they can de-risk security, economic, and social concerns. Brazil, India, and Turkey have placed tariffs on Chinese cars. Many ‘middle powers’ are pushing against ideas of being another's consumer market.

China may attempt to sweeten the deal and let the Yuan freefall while Russia is helping them make friends, and pacify any conflicts of interest or challenges. However, there is no telling how the international community, the audience will assess these effects on them.

To conclude, a lot of crackers in America have to sit this one out. There is a need to get on top of things, and not like a rapist. Intent matters, and these crackers are so morbid they would fuck things up. We have some stir fry eating everyday negroes already in Asia. Before we send their ass back to Africa a tour might be in the works. The Negroes are coming to town Korea.

We offer the best hedges in crypto, we offer access to Africans, We kick the white mans ass all day everyday. Let's do this. Negroes worldwide baby, negroes worldwide.

When they stop the negroes Pax Americana will end. Our adversaries want treason.

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