SEC- S8W6:"What's on top of your bucket list?" | 3 wishes that I fulfil

in hive-169461 •  2 years ago 


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Hello everyone,,,

It feels good to be back here, in a steemit engagement challenge that has entered its last week. I am very interested in the challenge this time. I will not miss this opportunity, because the theme raised this time is quite interesting and there is no reason to miss it

Before continuing to write this challenge article, I would like to invite some of my friends who are active on this steemit platform to take part in this great challenge, this invitation is to fulfill the requirements for participating in this contest. I would like to invite my loyal friends @yuliadi @munaa @ninaa04 @muhar-bd and @muzack1 , if you have followed please ignore this invitation

Everyone, including anyone, has their own goals in life. Everyone has different goals that they want to achieve. Even though it's sometimes hard, we still have to carry it out so that our goals and desires don't run aground or get cut off in the middle of the road. And the three wishes that I want to fulfill are:

1 - Become a Successful Farmer

image document

Being a farmer has indeed been my job since I was a teenager, especially because of the difficult job opportunities for those of us with low education. So apart from being a sailor, being a farmer is another option for the less fortunate. For me, I have done this hard work for almost 20 years, and it has even become commonplace in my life

When I am no longer young, I have a strong desire to continue this work, I really want that someday I can become a successful farmer, have my own capital to buy various other farmers' crops at high prices, so that the life of farmers become prosperous, apart from that I will pass on this noble work to my children when they grow up

2 - Want to be successful in Steemit

Success and success in the steemit platform is certainly the dream of every stemian, as well as me. Since joining and being active in steemit my desire is getting higher and higher, I even dreamed of asking steemit to create a special community for farmers who aim to foster and develop their business results in agriculture. I want all farmers in every country to share tips and experiences for the welfare of farmers, both regarding plantations and rice fields

Trying hard and always praying are two things that are absolutely necessary to fulfill every wish or dream. Without these two things, everything will look pointless

3 - Enjoys family and parents


Making our family, children and wife and parents happy is our responsibility. After being born and growing up the way we are now, what do we think of our parents in return for their services? it's not enough to say love, but it must go through real proof, not offend both of them, provide a decent life, always look after and care for it and so on

From the beginning I aspired to buy a patch of rice fields and gardens for my parents. I always set aside all of my income for their old age, but unfortunately my parents passed away, but now I still have a mother as a substitute. to fulfill that wish I am still trying to raise money to be able to buy a patch of rice fields and gardens as proof of my devotion to their services

Those are the three goals, dreams and aspirations that I want to realize. Thank you Steemit Philippines community for giving this big challenge, I am very happy and happy to be able to participate here

Thank you for visiting and reading this short article, I hope it's useful
image #3 and image #2
About Me

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Thanks my friend,
Good luck

Terimakasih my best friend @yuliadi
Semoga hari-harimu menyenangkan bersama keluarga dan orang-orang di sekitar anda, salam

What a simply bucket lists yet have a deep meaning, Sir
From the bottom of my heart, let me give a good du'a for you, May Yaa Mujiib ijabah your du'a in your top 3 bucket lists one by one, Sir

Never give up & wish you best of luck

Suatu kehormatan besar bagi saya ketika seseorang datang dengan keikhlasan tanpa pamrihnya memberikan motivasi dan semangat untuk terus berjuang. Bukan datang dengan kesombongan dan mentertawakan ketidak berdayaan seseorang. Syukran @asiahaiss anda menjadi orang pertama yang memberikan support dan sebait doa

Tidak banyak yang bisa saya lakukan untuk membalas semua ini kecuali sebait doa, semoga di ijabahkan untuk orang-orang pilihan NYA

Semoga yang disemogakan tersemogakan pak. Aamiiin..

Terima kasih sudah mengundang saya pada kontes ini, semoga kali ini menguntungkan...