Routine activities every Monday, flag ceremony

in hive-169461 •  3 years ago 

Flag Ceremony Monday, January 31, 2022 who acted as the Head of Student Affairs Wakamad Ceremony (Ustazd Edi Saputra, S.Pd.I) and who became the Ceremony officer for Class IX-C
It took 5 years to change an Alphabet B into Alphabet A, It took struggle and solidarity, and Alhamdulillah under the captain of the Big Ship MTsN 7 North Aceh by Mr. Dahlan, S. Ag, We have been able to achieve Accreditation to Become A (Superior) with an Achievement of 92 Grades in 2019.



Why can our Madrasah achieve A Accreditation? The answer is because we can and want to change the atmosphere and circumstances and the quantity and quality of our madrasas, to be better and to be more orderly and organized and to be more neat and compact, so that Allah SWT let our madrasas get Accreditation A? The answer is because there are many religious activities and activities that we carry out in our beloved madrasa, because Allah is happy and pleased with our madrasah every day there is a Qur'an recitation before starting learning, even if it is only 15 minutes, then keep going, Mr. / Mother who teaches the first hour, supervises and lets guide her students, and for all of our students, let us read the Koran seriously every morning and read it with continuous reading until Qatam and finish.


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Why did our Madrasah get A Accreditation? Because Allah SWT is pleased and happy to see our madrasa every day having the Dhuhur prayer in congregation, all the teacher council and the TU/Staff together the students go to the mushalla to perform the Dhuhur prayer in congregation.
Why did our Madrasah get A (Superior) Accreditation?
Because Allah SWT is pleased and pleased with us, because MTsN 7 Aceh Utara every Friday morning we always carry out wirid yasin in congregation praying for our parents who have died so that their graves are always opened and placed in HIS heaven, and pray to all the deceased and the late parents of our students.





Why do our Madrasas get A Accreditation?
Because of Allah Ta'ala because every Friday we continue the Extracurricular Program Compulsory for All Students, namely Tahsin and Tahfizd Al Qur'an even though only memorizing 1 Juz For Special Hafidh participants and Hafidh Participants Mandatory Surah An-Naba and Sura Ar- Rahman and Surah Al-Waqi'ah but because of the seriousness of the students Allah is pleased with them.
So let us continue to commit to running this flagship program, namely the compulsory extracurricular activities of Tahsin and Tahfidh Al-Qur'an.
And thanks to the sincerity of the upbringing of our Teacher Councils, and special guidance from the teacher councils and the support of warning and concern from all the big families of MTsN 7 North Aceh, may Allah always bless us together, so that we can always practice useful knowledge for our students. Everyone, We Pray for the New Academic Year 2022/2023 MTsN 7 North Aceh Students Reach 150 Students Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin


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