Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 || “Silver Lining"

in hive-169461 •  2 years ago 

Since I was a child I have always heard the saying "every cloud has a silver lining", it is a phrase used to give hope to those who have had something bad happen to them or are going through a bad time. Is it just a friendly phrase or does it really have some truth to it?

Throughout my experiences as a Christian I have learned many things about it, the first is an analog of that phrase and it says in the scriptures that "to those who love God all things work together for good" and this "all things" of course includes those things that we don't like and cause pain.

But is it possible to look at a positive side in the midst of suffering? That is the most difficult part, generally we do not see it or understand it during the process but much later, next I am going to share with you some experiences that I have had throughout my life, experiences that have marked me and that although I would not want anyone to live have allowed me to see the world from another perspective.

Desde niño siempre he escuchado decir "no hay mal que por bien no venga", es una frase usada para darle esperanza a quienes les ha ocurrido algo malo o pasan por un mal momento. ¿Es solo una frase cordial o realmente tiene algo de verdad?

A lo largo de mis experiencias como cristiano he aprendido muchas cosas al respecto, la primera es un análogo de aquella frase y dice en las escrituras que "a los que aman a Dios todas las cosas les ayudan para bien" y este "todas las cosas" por supuesto que incluye aquellas que no nos gustan y causan dolor.

Pero ¿Se puede mirar un lado positivo en medio del sufrimiento? esa es la parte más difícil, generalmente no lo vemos o entendemos durante el proceso sino mucho después, a continuación voy a compartir contigo algunas experiencias que he tenido a lo largo de mi vida, experiencias que me han marcado y que aunque no desearía que nadie viviese me han permitido ver el mundo desde otra perspectiva.


A purifying fire

Bad experience

The bible says that for God we are worth much more than gold, that gold that must be passed through fire to obtain it in its pure form (first time), through fire to take it to its liquid form so that the artificer can give it the form he wants (second time) and once the work is complete, through fire by the one who acquires it to verify its purity (third time).

Surely God must appreciate me a lot because the fire came into my life since I was 5 months old in my mother's womb, at that time and being still a fetus I had to leave the womb with my twin brother, because they were both very premature he died and three days after birth I had already lost someone very important, my traveling companion.

I do not remember how much I suffered of course, no one could know but we can assume that babies are innocent so maybe at that time it did not affect me so much, but ten months later the flames increased a little more and my father died in an accident. The loss of such a necessary figure in the family was felt on all levels.

As I became aware of the situation and as a teenager I really began to feel the pain of those losses. My father was a businessman and we were a family with money, but when he passed away we became extremely poor, so when I didn't have enough for a snack at school and went hungry I imagined how different my life would have been if my father had been in it.

La biblia dice que para Dios valemos mucho más que el oro, ese oro que debe ser pasado por fuego para obtenerlo en su forma pura (primera vez), por fuego para llevarlo a su forma líquida y que el artífice pueda darle la forma que quiera (segunda vez) y una vez que la obra está completa, por fuego por parte del que la adquiere para comprobar su pureza (tercera vez).

Seguro Dios me debe apreciar mucho porque el fuego llego a mi vida desde que tenia 5 meses en el vientre de mi madre, en ese tiempo y siendo aún un feto tuve que salir del vientre junto a mi hermano gemelo, por ser ambos muy prematuros el falleció y a los tres días de nacido ya había perdido a alguien muy importante, mi compañero de viajes.

No recuerdo cuanto sufri por supuesto, nadie podría saberlo pero podemos suponer que los bebes son inocentes así que tal vez en ese momento no me afecto tanto, pero diez meses después las llamas aumentaron un poco mas y mi padre falleció en un accidente. La pérdida de esa figura tan necesaria en la familia si que se sintió en todos los niveles.

A medida que tomaba conciencia de la situación y ya en la etapa de adolescente fue cuando realmente comencé a sentir el dolor de aquellas pérdidas. Mi padre era un empresario y nosotros una familia con dinero, pero al fallecer el pasamos a ser pobres en extremos así que cuando no tenía para la merienda en el colegio y pasaba hambre imaginaba lo distinto que hubiera sido mi vida si mi padre hubiera estado en ella.

Silver Lining

At some point I understood that thanks to the scenario in which life has been given to me I have been able to learn to value things, to work for what I want, to value the needy since I myself have been counted among them but mainly, it is thanks to those circumstances that I once had the freedom to know Jesus Christ and walk in his ways.

With the presence of my father maybe I would not have lacked anything but I am sure that I could not value all that I could have easily acquired, I was a proud person and far from God, when I look at my possible self from the other scenario that guy really dislikes me so.... Even if it hurts God allows things to happen because that way he can make us purer, and when we are harder he increases the flame to mold us.

En algún punto entendí que gracias al escenario en que se me ha dado la vida he podido aprender a valorar las cosas, a trabajar por lo que quiero, a valorar a los necesitados ya que yo mismo he sido contado entre ellos pero principalmente, es gracias a esas circunstancias que una vez tuve la libertad de Conocer a Jesucristo y andar en sus caminos.

Con la presencia de mi padre tal vez no hubiera tenido falta de nada pero estoy seguro que no pudiese valorar todo eso que con facilidad hubiese podido adquirir, fuese una persona orgullosa y alejada de Dios, cuando miro a mi posible yo del otro escenario aquel sujeto realmente me cae mal así que... Aunque duela Dios permite que las cosas pasen porque de esa forma nos puede hacer más puros, y cuando somos más duros aumenta la llama para moldearnos.


The wrong plans

Bad experience

I am sure I am not the only one who, when I was about to finish my professional career, imagined myself working for one of the best companies in the area, that was my case without a doubt, I was finally graduating and I could work to improve my economic condition. I had managed to do my internship in the best company in the country, PDVSA.

At that time PDVSA was the dream of economic stability of any worker, everyone wanted a permanent position because the benefits were extremely attractive. I had obtained the internship with a family friend who at that time was moving from plant superintendent to manager within the industry, so the internship was the path to the almost certain permanent position.

The year I finished the internship by presidential decree prohibited the entry of new personnel and the following year when the entry was enabled the same president gave the order to enter only to professionals graduated from a study mission created by him. So, by presidential order, someone took the quota that was supposed to be for me.

Estoy seguro de no ser el único que al estar por culminar su carrera profesional ya se imaginaba laborando para alguna de las mejores empresas de la zona, ese fue mi caso sin lugar a duda, por fin me graduaria y podría trabajar para mejorar mi condición económica. Había conseguido hacer mi pasantía en la mejor empresa del país, PDVSA.

En ese tiempo PDVSA era el sueño de estabilidad económica de cualquier trabajador, todos querían un puesto fijo porque los beneficios eran en extremo atractivos. La pasantía la había conseguido con un amigo de la familia que en ese momento estaba pasando de ser superintendente de planta a Gerente dentro de la industria, así que la pasantía era el camino para el puesto fijo casi seguro.

El año que termine la pasantía por decreto presidencial se prohibió el ingreso de personal nuevo y el siguiente cuando se habilitó el ingreso el mismo presidente dio la orden de ingresar solo a los profesionales egresados de una misión de estudio creada por él. Así que por orden presidencial alguien pasó a ocupar el cupo que supuestamente era para mi.

Silver Lining

It was frustrating and difficult to digest, but I began to work with contractors and in that way I gained work experience. Not many years later I was able to see how PDVSA became an industry repudiated by the workers, a salary that was not even enough for a week's food and those benefits disappeared, many resigned from their jobs and left the country in search of better options. So maybe I would have been among them.

Working with contractors allowed me to negotiate my salary and it was always at acceptable levels, thanks to this I have been able to build my house (something that I would not have been able to do in PDVSA with what happened later). So my plans were one but God who looks at the future had other plans for me and although at the moment we do not understand what God is doing and we kick a little at the end we have to humble ourselves before Him to tell Him thank you!

Fue frustrante y difícil de digerir pero comencé a trabajar con contratistas y de esa forma fui adquiriendo experiencia laboral, no muchos años después pude ver como PDVSA pasó a ser una Industria repudiada por los trabajadores, un salario que no daba ni para una semana de alimentos y aquellos beneficios desaparecieron, muchos renunciaron a sus puestos de trabajo y se fueron del país en busca de mejores opciones. Así que tal vez yo hubiese estado entre ellos.

Trabajar con contratistas me permitió negociar mi salario y siempre estuvo en niveles aceptables, gracias a ello he podido construir mi casa (cosa que en PDVSA no hubiera podido hacer con lo que ocurrió luego). Así que mis planes eran unos pero Dios que mira el futuro tenía otros planes para mi y aunque en el momento no entendemos lo que Dios está haciendo y pataleamos un poco al final tenemos que humillarnos ante Él para decirle gracias!


Storm warnings

Bad experience

I had finally found the job I dreamed of, I was working for Chevron and I was earning a salary that was helping me to improve my quality of life, I could even help my siblings and my mother with decent amounts in the middle of a Venezuela that was in agony. Although I was more than a thousand kilometers away from all of them but everything was fine for everyone because there was economic oxygen.

In 2020 without prior notice crude oil prices dropped to such an extent that more money was spent to produce a barrel than what was obtained by selling it, to that was added the fact that Chevron's license to operate in Venezuela expired and the renewal was a difficult issue for the administration of President Trump but to ensure that I would be unemployed all of the above was complemented with the arrival in the country of Covid19.

The house of cards collapsed and in a matter of a snap I was already unemployed and had to return home to the family.

Por fin había encontrado el empleo con el que tanto soñé, trabajaba para Chevron y devengaba un salario que me estaba ayudando a mejorar mi calidad de vida, incluso podía ayudar a mis hermanos y mi madre con cantidades decentes en medio de una Venezuela que agonizaba. Aunque estaba a más de mil kilómetros de todos ellos pero todo estaba bien para todos porque había oxígeno económico.

En el 2020 sin previo aviso los precios del crudo bajaron a tal punto que se gastaba más dinero para producir un barril que lo que se obtenía al venderlo, a eso se le sumó el hecho de que a Chevron se le vencio la licencia para operar en Venezuela y la renovación era un tema difícil para la administración del presidente Trump pero para garantizar que me quedaría sin empleo todo lo anterior fue complementado con la llegada al país de Covid19.

El castillo de naipes se desmoronó y en cuestión de un chasquido ya era un desempleado más que tuve que regresar a casa al lado de la familia.

Silver Lining

The time I was at home when no one could mobilize in the interior of the country, my wife's father passed away and 4 months later her only brother also passed away. If I had not lost that dream job I would have been a thousand kilometers away when these events occurred and my wife with me, my mother-in-law would have had to face all this alone (God only knows how she would have assimilated it) and I do not even want to imagine the helplessness of my wife receiving the news without even being able to say goodbye to her father.

On the other hand being at home made it easier for us to mobilize more efficiently all the money that was needed and the management of resources, I know that we lost two important members of my wife's family and 4 months later it was my older brother (3 losses in just one year with 4 months difference between each one). There is pain and emptiness in the heart but I am sure that if I had not been around the tragedy would have been worse.

El tiempo que estuve en casa cuando no se podía movilizar nadie en el interior del país falleció el papá de mi esposa y 4 meses después también falleció su unico hermano. Si no hubiera perdido aquel empleo del sueño hubiera estado a mil kilómetros de distancia cuando ocurrieron estos eventos y mi esposa conmigo, mi suegra hubiese tenido que enfrentarse sola a todo esto (solo Dios sabe como lo hubiese asimilado) y no quiero ni imaginar la impotencia de mi esposa recibiendo las noticias sin poder siquiera despedir a su padre.

Por otro lado estar en casa facilitó que pudiésemos movilizar de forma más eficaz todo el dinero que hizo falta y las gestiones de recursos, se que perdimos a dos miembros importantes de la familia de mi esposa y 4 meses después fue mi hermano mayor (3 pérdidas en apenas un año con 4 meses de diferencia entre cada una). Hay dolor y vacíos en el corazón pero estoy seguro que de no haber estado cerca la tragedia hubiera sido peor.


Each night will bring a new dawn

Since my daughters came into my life I have learned that I can not stagnate in lamenting or complaining about the circumstances, the time we have to be here is limited and if we stop he will not, then we must keep fighting, if a door closes look for the key or touch others, if we run into a wall then we must go around it until we find the way.

But above all things trust that God is in control of what happens in your life and above all things that He who loves you will not allow things to happen to you if they do not have a great purpose for your life.

Desde que mis hijas llegaron a mi vida he aprendido que no me puedo estancar en lamentarme o quejarme por las circunstancias, el tiempo que tenemos para estar aquí es limitado y si nosotros nos detenemos él no lo hará, entonces debemos seguir luchando, si una puerta se cierra buscar la llave o tocar otras, si nos topamos con un muro entonces hay que rodearlo hasta encontrar el paso.

Pero sobre todas las cosas confiar que Dios tiene el control de lo que pasa en tu vida y sobre todas las cosas que ese que te ama no permitirá que te ocurran cosas si no tienen un propósito grande para tu vida.

I would like to invite to participate @heriadi, @sofian88 and @damithudaya.

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I'm sorry to hear about your twin brother, your father and other members of your family who passed away. I know how hard it is to loose a loved one but we need to keep on moving and trust God. Our situation will get better.

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Thanks for creating a quality content in the Steemit Philippines Engagement Challenge.

Please don't forget to do engagement by replying on the comments in your posts and do comments on other posts too.


Thank you for your evaluation and advice. Right now I have some time to review some articles from colleagues so I will get on it.

Wow, absolutely incredible post! You have a knack for words and it really drew me in. 😍💖 The challenge you presented is really motivational and I'm eager to spread positivity on Steemit.

The importance of striving for a silver lining is really powerful and something I needed to read - touched my heart. Your post was sure a ray of hope in these tough times.

This post looks like it was written with much consideration and heart! Your words are lights of knowledge, and it's unmistakable that you really care about inspiring others. This post is such a treat to read.

I'm incredibly grateful for your challenge and words of positivity. You are a big bless to Steemit, and I can't wait to see what else you have in store. Keep doin' you and keep snazzling others with your words, friend! 💫✨

Hi, When I receive comments where it is obvious that the commenter has not read the article I generally do not reply but I see that you have a low reputation which makes me assume that you are learning so I will respond as cordially as possible.

Thank you for commenting, they are very attractive words and compliments however I do not find in your comment any text that makes reference to the subject, specifically to that fragment of my article that has attracted you so much.

The purpose of comments on Steemit is not to make the writer feel good with nice words but to argue about the content of the article for better or worse, it is even better to comment on something specific that you did not like than a comment that does not reflect any objective reference to the article.

If you really want to impress someone read his article and comment only when you are sure you have understood what the writer wanted to express, even if you make fewer comments per day will be of better quality and will help you much more than making thousands of similar comments unrelated to the written topic.

Remember that STEEM is public and everyone can see everything you do. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know, I would be happy to help you. I also strongly recommend you to do the tasks in the newcomers community.

Hola amigo, en todos los eventos que nos narras has podido ver el propósito de Dios para tu vida, lo cual me parece maravilloso. Ser una persona sencilla, de buen corazón, luego a pesar de no recibir el trabajo deseado, lograste trabajar de una manera más productiva en una buena compañía. Y para finalizar, aunque perdiste ese trabajo, pudiste ver que también era importante estar cerca de tu esposa y su familia.
Es verdad lo que dices, Dios tiene un propósito en todo, si tenemos la suficiente sencillez de corazón para poderlo ver, entonces podemos comprender que en medio de todo, siempre están las bendiciones.
Gracias por compartir tus experiencias, te deseo éxito en el concurso.

Holaaa, hace mucho que no me visitabas!! 😊

Es extraño cómo Dios usa las circunstancias adversas para moldearnos, incluso Jesucristo tuvo que pasar por eso siendo el Hijo de Dios y un ejemplo a seguir fue perfeccionado mediante aflicciones (Hebreos 2:10).

De alguna forma siempre hay una razón para estar agradecidos aun en las circunstancias no deseadas pero eso solo es posible cuando podemos encontrar esa razón, otros eligen ser negativos. Realmente tengo mucho que agradecer a Dios!

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer mi artículo y comentar, su comentario me ha alegrado la noche!! 🙂