Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 8 (Week 5) || "What if you are a Superhero" || I Wanna be a Spider Woman!

in hive-169461 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Greetings to all steemians all over Steemit world specially in our very own Steemit Philippines community. How are you all?

Let me share to you today my wild imagination about our challenge for this week "what if you are a superhero." When I was a kid unfortunately I was not oriented with these superheroes because I grew up in the province with no electricity and no television. But nowadays, we can witness and watch on television and on internet what's happening in the world which seems like an extraordinary and I could wish sometimes to be a superhero. If I am a superhero, I wanna be a "Spider Woman! (from the original spiderman since I am a girl). I chose spider woman because I find it cute and amazing compared to other superheroes.

Image source pixabay

As a spider woman, one of my goals is to stop the COVID-19 virus. That I can get rid of the virus that caused the economic downturn and stopped many businesses, especially those that are small businesses.

The power that I want to possess to stop the covid is the ability to see the virus using my powerful silk or the spider web and it's ability to break down and dissolve the virus. In such ways, it is easy to identify where's the virus and it can no longer infect others.

Image source pixabay

Another problem that the world is facing is the natural disasters and calamities that caused by the climate change. It's so difficult to solve this global problem by human alone because the situation becoming worst whatever the experts did to prevent it and still worsening. The power of the spider woman is capable of restoring and repairing the damage of the ozone layer in order to prevent global warming.

Image source pixabay

Since we are already using latest technology, the power of spider woman of course is also leveling up. She has the ability to multiple herself in such ways she is able to respond and rescue the people from any form of criminality and abuse wherever and whoever needs her around the globe. A spider woman rescue app is created and in just one click of your mobile phone she will be right there to respond.

Image source pixabay

If it is really possible to have superpowers, it should be easy to solve the problem that the world is facing today from natural calamities and criminalities and any other form of violence. Sufferings and pains of the people caused by all these should be minimize. Then life would be easy. But the truth is it's only an imagination.

I had a great time creating this entry. I hope you enjoy it too.

Have a nice day!

Best regards,

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Well, dear thanks for choosing a funny hero character like spider woman and for focusing towards repairing natural calamities.

Thank you for your appreciation ☺️.

very interesting, we have the same hero, don't forget to stop by my post

Yeah sure friend. Thanks for visiting my content.

La verdad es que si existe el Hombre Araña es natural que también haya una Mujer Araña, con esos mismos súper poderes. Es encomiable el uso que le dará a esas especiales habilidades, derrotar al covid y detener el cambio climático. Roguemos porque algún día, con poderes increíbles o no, se hagan realidad todo lo que deseas para este planeta. Éxitos, amiga.

Muchas gracias por dedicar tiempo a leer mi publicación. Realmente aprecio sus hermosos comentarios y apreciación. ¡Dios los bendiga!

A very very great heroine in deed I have loved also to be spider Man but the tasking is enormous I applaud ur braveness to also think like a spider man

It's just an imagination anyway. Thanks for dropping by my friend.

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I'm so grateful for your support. Thank you so much.

¡Saludos mujer araña!😊

Con tu super poder el Covid-19 pasará a la historia y, aplaudo este sueño que tienes porque, es terrible cómo este virus tan diminuto ha ocasionado tanto daño a nivel de salud, económico y social.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

¡Sí exactamente! Muchas gracias por tu apreciación. Significa mucho para mí ☺️.