Lost in Existence

in hive-169911 •  2 months ago  (edited)


Have you ever felt, oh mortal,

The weight of a world in disarray?

Where every soul is ensnared in their own labyrinthine thoughts, leaving no room for introspection.

As I traverse the realms, I'm beset by the dark whispers of troubled minds, a cacophony of chaos that pierces my very essence.

These beings, with their facade of feigned smiles, are oblivious to the truth. There exist forces that can grasp the depths of their every thought. Most are consumed by the relentless pursuit of wealth, their vision shrouded by the veil of materialism. Some toil to revive their lost dreams, while others, wretched souls, seek to usurp the joy of their fellow beings.

In the recesses of their minds, they weave sinister plots, a tapestry of malice and despair. Ah, the turmoil that ravages their inner worlds, a maelstrom of darkness that threatens to consume them whole.

Celestial powers surpass their comprehension, powers that will eternally frustrate their malevolent designs.

However, these heavenly forces condescend only to those whose intellects emit radiant, dazzling rays. Certain minds remain serenely unconcerned, impervious to the tumult that envelops them.

They are detached from the mayhem, they transcend the bounds of perturbation. Why would they succumb to worry? They are ecstatically oblivious.

Unaware, humanity wanders, as every glimpse, every instant, and every endeavor is transcribed in the celestial ledger.

Some receive their just desserts in this mortal coil, while others will face a amplified reckoning in the realm beyond, where their actions will be magnified and multiplied. Entranced by the ephemeral beauty of this world, they are seduced by its charms, and thus, led astray from the path of righteousness.

And lo, the hour draws near, a time when each soul will be ensconced in self-absorption, with no regard for their offspring, nor for their bonds of kinship. Only the concern for one's own quintessence will persist.

Still, the fabric of time holds promise. A chance for dormant intellects to stir, to reorient their course, and embark upon the journey that shall guide them toward the effulgent shores of victory. A domain where accomplishment, prosperity, and unmitigated success converge in a celestial dance.

A triumph of such magnificence, that their mortal minds cannot even begin to envision its splendor.

Thanks for Reading

Regards 💕 @rashid001

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I suggest we keep the darkness for us and kick the sick, not creative minds out of it.
It's disturbing how some believe they can reign over all universities and spoil everything.

Tmif they were only charmed by the world, nature but they are not even aware of it. The world doesn't bribe.


P. S. If you post in the community please use #story as your first hashtag

Let's embrace creativity and positivity, and kick out negativity and control. The world is beautiful, let's appreciate it and not try to manipulate it for our gain.

Thanks for reminder , Hashtag 'story' ✅

You are welcome 🍀❤️

Why we upvoted? 🦋 Because we enjoy entertainment and talent. Good luck to you. It's great to have you on Steemit!


🍀 @wakeupkitty 💕

YOu're not only good with pencils, but also with keyboard....

Hehehe, Thank you friend ❤️

positive remarks bring so much comfort.

Otherwise, many people think that I have a very negative mindset.

we can never really be ourselves