The diary game: 02/08/2020 How my Thanksgiving sunday went.

in hive-170181 •  5 years ago 

How I spent my Sunday.
Sundays happen to be my favourite day of the week because of how i get to rest after a stressful six days before. So I got up quite early today being the first Sunday of the month of August. It was a thanksgiving Sunday at church, I knew I had to get early to church because of my role as the keyboardist at my church. I attend a Pentecostal church and my pastor does not smile at late coming. More so my church is located at a very far distance. It was easy for me to get early to church because I attend a different church from my family’s church.
I got to church earlier than most of the workers so I had to do some cleaning. Then people started trooping in when it was few minutes to start the service to cut the story short, we had a great service all through the service. I enjoyed every bit of the service since it was a thanksgiving service, meaning that we had much of singing and dancing. We spent an hour and few minutes in church due to the government’s instruction on church services in Nigeria due to the ongoing lockdown.
I got home after some time from when I left church, had my food that was deliciously prepared by my younger sister. After eating, I went straight to my room to relax. I barely lay on my bed that I slept off probably due to the cool breeze that was blowing across my window. I really enjoyed my sleep and i didn’t wake until I heard my name from a long distance. I woke with open eyes instantly I knew it was my friend who lives down my street that was calling my name.
Whenever he came like that, it was either for music Gig we were supposed to perform together or a studio session that we were supposed to attend to. Today’s call was for regular visit to the studio. So we set off to the studio to make something out of the evening.
We spent almost the rest of the evening at the studio making a hot beat for a client on
And that’s how I spent my Sunday.
Thanks for your reading through.
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