There's this pawpaw tree in our compound that just refuses to yield big fruits.
Like it bears fruits, but as soon as they come out, they get ripe and are barely mature enough for human consumption, so it only gets eaten by birds.
The surprising thing is that there's another pawpaw tree somewhere close to it that bears mature fruits, so what's wrong with this one?
Few days ago, I was in the bathroom when I caught sight of it and wondered why it's fruits never mature for consumption. Like it has plenty, tiny ripe fruits on it, but what are we supposed to do with such tiny fruits?
I don't know the agricultural explanation to this, but Dearest gave me a couple of explanations and I want to share just one of them with you.
The birds of the air do not plant, they do not reap, they are not bothered how they would eat, but they are always fed.
The Birds had a need, and God grew a tree just to feed it.
Did we plant the tree? Not exactly. We just threw away some seeds and they decided to grow, what if this one grew just for the purpose of feeding the birds.
And oh, it had never crossed our minds, neither have we been disturbed to cut it out.
God knows we have needs and He's more than capable of taking care of those needs.
If He can grow a tree, just for the birds, how much more you and I that are far more valuable than the birds.
Your situation is never out of control with God. It may look funny to others (like the tree looks funny to us), but if it's God's help to you, it would meet those needs.
Your tree will grow just for you.
Your help will come. The Lions may starve and be in want, not you. Not you that calls upon the name of the Lord out of a pure heart. You cannot want any good thing. No, you can't.
It's ok to wait, but don't lose faith, your tree is growing, soon it will yield. Soon, it would be clear that the hand of God has done this.
This is my consolation.
If God is particularly concerned that the animals are well taken of, then it's not possible that he'll ignore my needs. No, it's not.
So, I just have to relax, wait on Him and play my part, then everything else will fall into place.
Dear friends,
wait on the Lord, seek Him and His kingdom first, Stay strong and hold on. God is working out a better help for you. Your tree will soon grow, just for you.
I hope this blesses you in someway.