in hive-170181 •  4 years ago 


"Pardon?" She asked hoping she didn't hear right.
"I said you will be the head of the mission to Okukunle village." Her boss repeated
"B-but ... M-ma...I am. not .. r .." She stunted.
"What is your fear, Miss. We never wanted to pick you because we know you are a shy crowd person. When the prayer force said you are going to head the missions we disagreed and we the management took it up in prayer and again our convictions pointed to you. We decided to allow God's will to be done." "Surprisingly God chose an amiable assistant for you, Mr Dave."
Shocker No. 2
Darasimi heard a loud bang in her head. 'Mr Dave! Mr Dave!' Kept ringing in her ears.
"Do not fear... what are you afraid of? 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.";Her boss quoted.
"Joshua one verse nine.You can check it." Her boss pushed a Bible towards her.
She ignored it and opened the Bible app on her phone. She felt peace taking control over her troubled mind as she read it.
"Thank you, ma. I will go to my office right now" She said standing up.
"Miss D" Her boss called her when she got to the door.
"We are not forcing it on you... we give you two days to seek confirmation from the Lord and to be convinced. We may be wrong so we urge you to go to God. If after two days you are not convinced, come and tell me and we will go back to God." Her boss said with finality.
She turned and walked out.
(End of flashback).

She had prayed over the mission, she received no dream or vision but one thing was sure. She did not lose her peace so she accepted it.
As the day drew close, she did not lose her peace. She was still at loss at why the Lord would chose her when there are better and capable people.
Mr adewale, her...

Esther Ezekiel
Inspired by the Holy Spirit.

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