episode 1
This Is based on a true life story. Although some modifications were made to give a friendly reader experience.
my full name is Michael .M. Mercury a fresh student of the University of Benin
T'was my first year in the university (university of benin). I got to school after the stress of packing my stuff from home, so I called out my friend Wisdom to come help me pack in and settle down for the semester.
We got to my room at hall3 blockF R408 and it was empty and unkept, i didn't want to clean up alone and let other come to enjoy the comfort so I decided to follow Wisdom to his room hall3 block R101* with the intention to leave as soon as my own roommates comes and tidy up the room.
Normally, there are eight persons to a room, four bunks (up and down). Three of Wisdom's roommate have cleared and occupied their space already so i felt it safe to stay in the same bunk with wisdom so that our things will be together and I will feel safe with my things.
As time passes by (within two morning), All of Wisdom roommates came and occupied their allocated space, but the bunk I was with wisdom was not allocated to anyone which means I don't have any reason to leave the room. I said within me (I ain't gonna leave this room)
Here is a brief description of how my life is now and how I intend to manage it.
I came to school with just my luggage, books and shoes. I did not come with any provision nor cooking materials. But I did come with money to eat around if nobody could sacrifice a little from their pot for me😉😉
Practically or mentally, I came with money but I really don't mind begging around for food. I don't know why I thought like that, maybe it was because one of wisdom roommate named Paul continuously give me a plate of food whenever I ask him with a big smile.
It not the best decision I made but I guess it was working out for me
Two more persons came to the room claiming that it was their allocated space, we counted ourselves and we were eight already. That was when the two first person I meet in the room when I came admitted that the space they occupy is not heir real space.
Look out for episode 2 to get more of this juicy story.
Thank you for reading to the end
All pictures are from pixabay. I hope you enjoy episode 2.
Am on holidays so i want to resume my steemit adventure .