in hive-170181 •  3 years ago 


In the early 90's when i was born, growing up as a child,knowing little or nothing.
Mum and Dad goes out and come back with hands full of goodies for the family to enjoy. We cultivate farm plants and they grow and florish,harvested as at when due. A greater part will be kept in the house for consumption while a smaller part will be sold in the market as to aid the financial needs of the family.

As years go bye,i kept growing up,never experienced a tribal conflict or inter community quarrel before. Offcourse,now i'm no longer a pupil but a student. Now i can listen to news cast through my daddy's radio set. As a matter of fact,he made me listen to news often expecially the daily headlines.

I could see peace,love,harmony and unity in diversity,cost of living was never on the high side because as an average citizen we were not struggling to survive. Daddy could afford kerosene for lantern and cooking since we used fire wood because we'er based in the village.

Education was not very much expensive,wasn't quantity anyways,but quality. Although,not every family was able to send their children to school but those that managed to go were highly respected with every sense of honour. Job opportunities were available for the graduates,peaceful co-existence of people irrespective of their LANGUAGE/CULTURE.

Elections were free and fare,the electorates are given the chance vote in the candidiates of their choice without voilence. There were no sharing of food stuffs,little amount of money,wrapper and snatching of ballot paper boxes just to win election.

Today,the reverse is now the case of all these whole thing. "THINGS HAS FALLEN APART" as rightly said by a Nobel Laurel Chinua Achebe.

The Nigerian State has fallen
The gaint of Africa is now the Ruin and shame of AFRICA
The currency #NAIRA that was competing with USD$,EURO€ etc is now a thing of mockery
The peaceful Nigeria is now a home of terrorism and blood shed minute after minute
There's fire on the mountain but no one seem to be running.
Seperation is all we hear on daily basis.
Security personnels seem to be partial in protection of lives and properties.
After election what we see is appointment and selection.
Adoption,kidnapping and killing of students by armed bandits is now the new trend.
Shooting and killing armless innocent protesters citizen is legit now.


"Which way Nigeria?" MAJEK FASHEK

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Hmmmm. Your words are not far from Truth. Nigeria is now very hot than before. Thanks for sharing
