in hive-170181 •  3 years ago 

After 'arrangee' Kuje prison jailbreak, captives of Abuja-Kaduna bound train released. Las las, government met the demands of the terrorists. Remember, releasing members of Boko Haram in government's custody was the reason the terrorist struck.


What is going on in Nigeria is a forceful advancement of a stealthy plan to alter our secularisation and submit the sovereignty of our country to the doctrine of sharia.

Some people think that this country can be islamized. That kind of thinking only leads to bloodshed, not conquest. Because religion has a way of triggering firm beliefs, these people would rather die in it than stop trying.

The way out is actually secession. We must peacefully divorce this union and everyone go their separate ways. Secession is not a crime. Self determination is a right.

I have studied Nigeria, it can not work under to present arrangement. The fact that somebody somewhere is thinking of conquering the others is why it cannot work.

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