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One of the most difficult things many people find hard to do is saying the truth. They feel if they say the truth the other person might get offended and not like them anymore.
It is better to say the truth no matter how bitter. This will keep one out of the trouble of finding more lies to cover up so as not to be exposed.
No matter how long the lies goes. One day the truth will prevail and this will cause pain and mistrust.
Saying the truth might be very difficult but it is the best thing to do if you haven’t realized it yet, most people prefer lying to you, instead of telling you the truth in your face.
What could be the reason?
Simply because when they do tell you the truth, there is a chance that you will get offended.
Most of them want other people to like them, to approve them, and to respect them. But when the truth finally comes to light. You will loose your respect because the other person will realise you have been lying to them.
Many people will prefer to lie so that they can keep being on your good side. They keep the truth from you so that you don't get angry with them.
So, they tell you exactly what you want to hear.
But what they don’t realize is that respect is earned in the opposite way. By having the balls to tell the truth.
Anyone that doesn't want to hear the truth can never grow. They will not move forward. They will not be able to know their weakness. They running in circles thinking they are making progress. Not knowing they are wasting their time.
When you prefer to be lied to instead of hearing the bitter truth you are wasting your time
Not only that it’s a total waste of your time, but you start believing those lies and then you start overestimating your abilities. Which is bad for you.
For example you can't cook. You are really bad in cooking. But your friends keep telling you that your cooking is very good. This is really bad and it not help you improve.
The harsh and bitter truth is what you actually need to progress.
Yes, it hurts at first, but it’s the most powerful tool for you to really learn from your mistakes, to correct your actions, and to become better at what you do.
when people lie to you “out of good intentions”, what they truly want to achieve is to take advantage of you in some way.
It’s not necessarily about money, but that’s usually their main ambition..
To move forward and learn from your mistakes. Embrace the bitter truth and avoid sugar coated lies
Lies destroys ambitions. It takes you no where.