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Being a wife and a mother is really tasking. Especially if you have no help. Women are always tired as a result of attending to the baby or babies and doing chores (especially the kitchen). It's really a hard job and women are not superwoman.
For example, a working class woman have to be up by latest 5am to get herself and baby ready for work and daycare everyday. She closes by 5pm, picks up her baby and head back home. When she gets home, all she does is drop her bag and start making dinner and getting things ready for the next day. The cycle continues till the weekend.
Weekends are for washing and other chores. It's really stressful and difficult to make out time for husband when she doesn't even have the time for herself. May God help all women!
There's a need to get some help. Sometimes our husbands will just promise to help but end up not even doing 1/8 of it.
Childcare, I can boldly say; is a full time job. Whether the woman is a working class or a stay at home mum, they need helping hands (hubby, family, nanny, etc). There's need to consciously create ‘ME’ time for ourselves, rest, relax.
Delegate house chores as much as possible, ensuring that we prioritize these house chores to avoid trying to get all done same day.
Some women don’t have time for their husband anymore, there is no more intimacy between most couples, and many women are like that because many men complain about this which is very wrong. It can lead to misunderstanding or even divorce.
You can't expect the woman to do all the work, with no help whatsoever, and still expect her to be on top of her game with you.
Some men just think women should automatically be superheroes and it doesn't work that way. She has the right to be tired too.
A way to prevent misunderstandings is for a mother to ensure she has her routine time table of what to do every day in order to care for everyone.
To give everyone his/her time to care for them at its time. I think this is what will bring mutual understanding among s family which will lead to living a happier life.