So I'm basically lying down my pallor's floor because somehow I convinced myself I needed the coldness that came for the tiles but that lasted for only 5 minute. Why? It turned out to be too cold and I'm back to the couch that's making sweat like I'm being boiled or something.
My issue isn't really the heat or the cold, I think I'm having an inner battle. The thing is, there's this fiction story I want to write so bad that's it's beginning to haunt me in my dreams but I'm saying to myself, my audience will not understand this.
They'll think I plucked this idea from the fiction fruit tree but they dunno(in simi's voice) that I have plotted this day and night, just like Goliath plotted to take over king's saul kingdom till David surfaced. What a joke! A giant and a kid? You gotta be kidding me.
Why am I writing this? I think it's to take my mind off the fact that I'm gonna write since I made a decision to explore the art till I find what I'm looking for, that's if I do anyway.
And then again, I'm trying to freestyle and I dunno why I ended writing about my inability to determine if my audience is ready for the part of me I have suppressed for years or I should just come in like Miley Cyrus' wrecking ball. Oh! I'm beginning to think of that. Guess I'm using too many "I's." huh? Sorry about that.
I do not wanna keep hearing there are no good storytellers in Nigeria, I know we have a few but not enough. And I have decided to add to the number. Well, I just exhaled and that's a major sign of relief.
Sooooo, you do not need to block me here...I'm a professional fiction writer, I have ghost written more than 13 fiction books for my abroad clients this year alone and I'll tell you why hollywood and Nollywood can never be a match even in the next 10 years.
The answer is simple: Exploring creativity.
When it comes to being creative, these folks explore and stretch creativity till the end, that's if there's one. If there's one thing I've learned in the fiction world, it's that anything is possible.
Absolutely anything and everything can be brought into existence. Yes, that's why you stay glued to your phone screen or movie screen like you have no other agenda in life. Just kidding and I hope you understand my sense of humour, I'm as serious as I joke😂😂 What figure of speech is this?
Oops! You thinking she's crazy? Of course I'm not. At least not yet😶
And for years, I have been given room to stretch mine without questions. But this time around, I want to bring it back home. Maybe we'll appreciate what we have, maybe we'll not and I don't care anywhere, I'm gonna keep writing.
For me, fiction doesn't obey religion(maybe it does, I'll find out as I progress), it's not confined to the claws of culture.( Yes, where I come from, culture has claws).
Back to what I was saying, fiction is like the air, nothing can cage it and that's how it should be. Again, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not. In the years to come, I might find out I was wrong or I was right anyways, but till then I'll explore.
And I look forward to making good mistakes, I have no plans of succeeding without laying a foundation that will not swallow me up on flood days. So you can guess? Yea, I'll cut the rat chase and go straight to the point.
I think I finally know why I'm writing this, I'm contemplating if I should use Aristotle's Freytag pyramid or I should just start in the middle. Yes, this is what I've been trying to decide and writing out my thoughts did the magic.