Language is very important when it comes to communication between two or more persons. English language has proven to be one of the simplest and common means of interacting between people, nations, if you can't use language most times you are treated with uttermost rejection,in some areas.
In our world today most countries where colonised by English speaking countries and most times, they take after their colonial masters.
Nigeria happen to be colonised by an English speaking country as mentioned above and we are obligated to speak English as language.
English language is used in schools to teach, lecture and communicate, you can be sure that if you can't speak English, interacting among peers in school and other places isn't possible. During my secondary school as good as I thought I can speak English, I wasn't anyway near.
Words and opposite happened to be a problem for me despite the fact that I love reading books of which one of the reason for reading those books was slowly to learn English.
Back in primary school, dictation exercise happened to be one aspect of English study I love. Spelling words hasn't really been my challenge until I was promoted to primary 5 when we had to find a way to get the words even if I can't spell. I then devised a means of getting word, that is spelling based on pronounciation, as the word is pronounced, I carefully listen to pick the letters one after the other..... Hmmm, it was quite funny but worked sometime but other times it doesn't but which ever way I was always close.
Another aspect of English was when I was told that in pronouncing some words, most of the letters are silent, for example words like often, climb, doubt, numb. I still did not understand why letter in words could be silent, why did they use the letters at all? I would always ask......but as I grew I got to understand by teaching and ready why some letters could be silent, still I would not lie, I still make mistake with words like often, plumber,...........
I would say that our world today depends on English language, books are written, communications are done in English, it makes it easier for us to understand each other. Anyone who can't speak English is always considered as not educated,but I have also seen people who are educated but can't speak English, which is true then?