The Africans somehow find it hard to dissociate themselves from the primitive way of treating many diseases. A typical African has this belief that herbs are gift from God and they are given to us to cure all ailments.
While this is not the same for many people from the West, the Africans have concluded that herbs would be retained for good.
Civilization is good and has taken away many things from the Africans but many things have refused to yield to this 'Western Ideologies'.
Just recently, a child had measles and while the parents decided to go to the hospital to get the baby treated, many calls came through warning the parents to shun hospital.
The belief is that hospital injections and drugs take these kids legs, hands or eyes and in some cases turns them to something else.
It is even hard to try argue it as they already have instances to draw. They have names of children who had used hospital that you can check for yourself to verify their claim.
It becomes a hard decision to make for the parents as they wouldn't wan't to get the tag of being responsible to the bad outcome of such call. Most times, we yield to our parents claim and for good reasons most time.
The parents yielded to the instruction, took the baby to an herbalist who treated the baby using pure herbs. After a week, the whole rashes dried up and the baby is okay.
Amazingly, we have names for measles. It is not just measles, there are types of measles and each one has approach of treating it.
While many known diseases have defied modern drugs, traditional herbs have been able to heal and in most cases cure these diseases.
This brings me to my main question on why somehow herbs are regarded barbaric and ancient, yet proven to be more effective and with little or no side effect compared to modern drugs.
How come we subject every drugs/medicine to scientific proofs and anything short of it is considered bad or injurious to the body.
It is important to note that there are many traditionalists in Nigeria who have used technology in a modern way to modernize herbs. Today we have tablets, capsules made from pure herbs.
I believe that if herbs are given more attention, they have the ability to cure more diseases.
Amazingly, many of the so called learned Africans can't do without herbs. Whenever they have pile, they take herbs. In fact, children take herbs for pile in many homes in Nigeria.
As a person, do you take herbs, can you take herbs or do you have anything negative against herbs?
Share your opinion on the importance of herbs and if it should have more attention than the modern drugs.