You have Power, Don't let go!
Alert: This is deep, ponder on it.
There is something unique in you.
Your emotions were given to you for a reason.
The way you interpret situations or events is base on how you feel.
Your body(- represents your actions) is the servant of the mind( feelings, thoughts etc) James Allen states.
Your mind conceives thoughts base on how you feel.
Don't get angry! Have you wondered what cognitive bais actually means?
Your emotions/feeling is fuel to whether you do greatly or poorly.
Here's an open secret " you cannot control what goes on externally, you can only regulate/control what goes on within you.
Dear, if you want to go on reacting to what people do or say to you, you will be perpetually frustrated in life.
You have the power, to gird how you feel, don't hand it over to another.
Choose to guard your emotions this week. So you can clearly decipher an event. So you can see things for what they really are Create what you want to feel.
You must master being able to change your state instantly no matter the environment, situation or event.
Your emotion is your power.
Do have a wonderful day💕
©Victory Roberts,
A Lover of God, Student of Life, Knowledge Seeker📖