in hive-170181 •  4 years ago 

...my life

It was raining gently and steadily in fine drops. It was a bit dark 'cause of the weather but I needed to get some firewood to cook the corns I bought from Mama Emeka early in the morning before going to nkwo. I bent over the square mud window and got the machete placed against the wall corner with mama's old wrapper on the floor and preceded to the small farm few feet from our compound.


I whispered heaven to stop the drizzles as I swayed my curves rhythmical to whistles of birds looking for cover, gently swinging the machete with the old wrapper hanging on my shoulder. I got to the farm few minutes later and luckily found a dry branch that fell off from a mango tree still under the tree umbrella and has not been affected much by the drops. I sat on a stump close to an ogilisi relaxing my back against ukpaka tree to cut the branch. I actually got carried away as I was cutting the branch.

"my pregnancy was growing into weeks and I was scared letting Obinna know he would soon father a child. The outcome of disclosing the pregnancy might be disastrous. Nna anyi Nduka might not accept a daughter in-law from a peasant family. He had once bragged openly of royalty reaching his family and this might mar his ambition. Moreover Obinna was his only surviving son; he would want the best for him. But what would the villagers say if they got to know I was an expectant? Would I still go to ngene stream to fetch water freely without side laughs and annoying gazes or join my friends to fetch firewood from agu Enugwu/Ukwu?

Hum! the umuada would never fail to carry out their cleansing ritual. What would be my child's fate when born? The Villagers would so much abhor her as if she had leprosy and if the child would be he,it would be better for him to jump into the mighty Awka ezu river voluntarily to staying. The best thing that would salvage the situation was to get abortion herb from Ogwudile a famous Dibia in Enuagu. It would save me and Obinna's ass.


It was just as if I sensed this the day Obinna blocked me for the first time on my way down to ngene stream to process bitter leaves for mama saying he would want to be a friend. He followed me severally to "ama" our village playground and even on errands. I actually wondered what he would want from a poor girl. I warned him most times to stay away but it actually got worse! The more I reprimanded him the more he pushed. He assured me a million times that nothing would happen but now... I know Maazi Nduka very well; his pride would never allow him listen to his son even if Obinna accepts".

'Chibugo! Chibugo!!'
I involuntarily jumped suddenly with jerks. I noticed I was shaking, probably from cold. Ah was damn wet with drips from my parted hair right on my eyebrow through the sides of my nose to my mouth; the drops tasted salty. The cloud was roaring angrily with heavy downpour. I must have stayed under the rain for long.

'What are you doing under this rain and its getting darker! Don't you know that the time for women has passed, nwa m. You should be in kitchen now pounding ede for Ora soup. Don't tell me you don't help your mother at home' he continued, looking deeply at my face as if the answers to his questions were written there.
'Nna anyi g-u-d-u m-o-r-n-i'


I uttered shaking, pushing the back of my jerking thighs to bend slightly.


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