Trouble makers can never be happy

in hive-170554 •  5 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarkatuhu.

Dear Friends,
how are you all I hope you are very well and healthy by the great mercy of Allah Ta'ala. I am also very well and healthy by the grace of Almighty Allah.

"Trouble makers can never be happy"

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Alhamdulillah is the first thing we should praise Allah Almighty for creating us as human beings. Almighty Allah has given us many commands and prohibitions by sending us to this world. One of the prohibitions is that disturbance, commotion, etc. should never be created. It is a great crime to create them, the Almighty Allah has strictly forbidden to do them. Creating riots is more reprehensible and the gravest sin than killing people.

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We live in human society. Culture and culture etc. have to be followed in the society. Aashiq ki Christi culture if it is within the boundaries of Islam, then there is no obstacle for Muslims to accept it, but if it goes beyond our Qur'an and Hadith, i.e. it goes beyond the boundaries, then it can never be accepted.

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Different types of people live in our society. And as many people live, everyone's mind, mentality and behavior are different, that is, each one is different. One's behavior can never be the same as another's. This is how Almighty Allah created us. Not only in a society but in the whole world if we are looking like this, then a person's face, speech, behavior, mind and mentality can never match because Almighty Allah has created each of us as individual.

Among them there are some people who are very loyal to Allah Almighty and there are some people who are not loyal to Allah. Those who are disobedient to Allah i.e. do not pay attention to Allah Ta'ala's laws i.e. commands and prohibitions, they commit various types of evil in the society. Because they cannot accept Islam with their lives, they commit various types of injustice and injustice. And all these people create chaos and chaos in the society. In a word, he destroys the peace of the society not only in the society, but also in his family, his relatives, at work, with his colleagues, that is, wherever he goes, he creates chaos and chaos.


Even if these people are brought under appropriate trial and punishment, they cannot refrain from this act, that is, they do not refrain from doing these things whenever they get the opportunity. They are called viruses of society.

Let us identify all the people in the society and warn them to encourage them to be good and let them know and try to make them understand that there is a severe punishment for creating chaos, rioting, rioting. Let us keep our society clean and always strive to maintain peace in our society. With this expectation, I am ending here today as Allah Hafez.

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