Why did Allah create us?

in hive-170554 •  5 months ago  (edited)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

Dear friends, today I will present to you one thing that everyone should know and know, that is why Allah has placed us on this earth. What is his purpose? Welcome to this post and congratulations to all of you.



Almighty Allah has sent us as human beings in this world. It is nothing but the fruit of the mercy and love of Almighty Allah. We had no chance then to plead, offer, cry, or send petitions to send us as men. We were all in the spirit world.

Then Almighty Allah made arrangements to send those who were sent to this earth as human beings among all the creations by the mercy and special grace of Allah Almighty.

However, Allah Almighty has some purpose to send us as human beings in this world and with that purpose in mind He has sent us to this world with this short life.

Let's shed some light on what is the real purpose of creating us as human beings.


Almighty Allah is unique. He has no partner, no photography, no carbon copy. He manages everything alone very easily.
He is the Greatest Allahu Akbar, He is the Lord of the seven heavens, the earth, the earth, the earth, and all that He has created. Handles everything beautifully. He is Allah Samad, He created everything alone, He is the perfect hand to create, that is, you do not need any trouble to create Him, you do not have to do any kind of trouble, just by saying become, the whole thing becomes, that is, He is Khaliq. In addition, praises of Allah cannot be finished. In a word, if all the trees of the world were pens and the ocean, the ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the sea, and all the water were ink, then not one of them could be finished by writing His praises. But his praise cannot be overstated.


Allah Almighty has sent people to the earth to convey this unique message to the door of people again and again and said: "Worship me, my greatness, my superiority, convey to the door of every person, in return, I will give you Paradise, a place of eternal happiness and peace, and I agree with you. And you will be happy. And if you forget me, disobey my command, do not obey me, then I will throw you back into hell, a place of unrest.


So let us describe the superiority of Allah Ta'ala, we are engaged in His worship, we do not accept Him as the only Lord and they are enslaved until death, only then our peace is successful and successful. Allah Hafez is ending here like today.



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Allah Ta'ala has certainly created us to worship Him and worship Him.That we express our obedience to him and obey his chants and commandments in the world is basically the purpose of creation.The sad thing is that atheists forget the creator after coming to earth but they never try to understand the creation of the creator.Thanks for the gift of a beautiful and knowledgeable article.

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