Hello, my dear friends, hope you all are doing well! Lipstick is a cosmetic product containing pigments,oil,waxes and emollients that apply colour, texture and protection to the lips.
Lipsticks used to impact an attractive colour and glossy moisture appearance to the lips.
*In the Rupture test,the lipstick is placed in two holders,in the extended position.
*Weight is added to the holder on the lipstick portion at 30-second intervals until the lipstick ruptures.
*The pressure required to rupture the lipstick is then checked against the manufacturer's standards.
Steps involved.
colour grinding.
Labeling and packaging.
Melting and mixing.
Using a beaker we mixed one tea spoon of baby oil, one tea spoon of petroleum.
jelly,one red crayon and a half of a purple crayon;just to get the desired colour.
We pre-heated a pan containing water which was brought to boil;
We introduced the beaker in the hot water in order to melt the mixture.Using a glass stirrer we mixed the blend just to get a consistent colour.When all the components were well mixed and melted;the mixture was poured in an empty lipstick container which was cooled in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.
Colour Control
Colour control of lipstick is critical, manufacture to be aware of this.
Colorimetric equipment is used to provide some control on the shades of lipstick.
###It gives a numerical reading of shade mixed,it can identically match previous batches.
formulation related
Mould related:
Protect lips from hard weather.
colour lips.
Basic categories of lipsticks..
Matte:heavy in wax and pigment but lighter in emollients.
Gloss:less wax and more oil to make the lips shinier.
Satin: combination of gloss and matte lipsticks.
Long lasting:contains silicone oil, which seals the colour the lips.
Lipstick is the least expensive and most popular cosmetics vin the world today.
Women who wear lipstick feel more confident and powerful. As a matter of fact, they are usually perceived by others as being more ....