My first journey at a beautiful Mandela art

in hive-170554 •  5 months ago 

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Everyone

This is @bimanakhan, from Bangladesh.

Hope everyone is well. By the grace of ALLAH I am also very well. Today I am going to post a Mandela art. This is a round black colored Mandela art. Mendeleev is widely known art. Mandela art is a time-consuming affair. Now I will discuss Mendelian art diagramming method.


First I will tell about the materials I used to make this mandala art. Here are the things I used in my Mendela art:

📝 White notebook
📝 Pencil
📝 Pencil compass
📝 Eraser
📝Scale and
📝 Pen


Step 1:

First I drew a circle on white paper with a pencil compass and 6B pencil. Here I used Bashundhara white paper. Then I reduced the size of the compass and drew many more circles step by step between the circles.


Step 2:

Then I wrote my love in the circle which acts as a motivational quote. Then with a 2B pencil I doubled the text. And drew two profits on the side.


Step 3:

Then I drew some flowers and leaves inside and outside the circle with a 4B pencil. which add to the beauty of Mendel's art.


Step 4:

Now I draw with pen over the pencil art. And erase with rubber before drawing with pen. Here I used Matador i-teen black water gel pen.


Step 5:

Now I have completed the entire work by coloring the Mendelian art with a pen. I have used Matador Alltime black ink pen for coloring here.


I hope after reading the post everyone can understand my Mandela art works very easily and fluently. I am ending here today by thanking everyone. love you all.


Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.

Best regards
Bimana Khan


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