A beautiful Tia bird drawing.

in hive-170554 •  7 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim. Assalamu Alaikum dear friends. I am Mamun Mia from Bangladesh. My user ID is @mamun442390. How are you dear Steemit friends? Today I will share a drawing post on Steem For Bangladesh. I occasionally sit down to draw because I enjoy doing so. I had to work hard to draw. If you like my drawing then my hard work will be worthwhile.

Eidet by csnva

Let's know some facts about Tia bird:

Tia bird, a living gem of nature. Their vibrant colors and intelligence are testaments to nature's extraordinary creations. The tia bird's green body color, bright red beak, and colorful tail combine to create a wonderful color scheme. Not only are these birds beautiful to look at, but their vocal cords are also remarkable. They can mimic human language, which is considered a special quality.

Tia birds usually live in groups in forests and mountains. Their natural habitat is mainly green forests. There they subsist by eating fruits, seeds, and nectar from flowers. They are an essential part of nature, as they help plants spread by dispersing seeds and help maintain the natural balance.

Many people love to keep Tia birds as pets because they are very social and can develop a close bond with their owner. However, it is important to take proper care of them and give them the necessary emotional stimulation to keep them healthy and happy.

Tia birds are not only a feast for our eyes, but our responsibility is to preserve them in their natural environment. It is necessary to ensure a safe and healthy environment for them to retain their vitality and natural beauty.

Everything needed to draw.

  1. Ledger.
  2. Wood pencil.
  3. Color pencil.
  4. Cutter.
  5. Eraser etc.

Now I will share the drawing of Tia bird step by step.

First step:
First I took the head, eyes, lips, body, and wings of the bird.

Second step:
The bird then had a tail attached by Tia.

Third step:
Then Tia took a feather from the bird's wing.

Fourth step:
In this step, I painted the bird red on its beak, neck, and legs and painted the whole body of the bird.

Fifth step:
In this step, I took my user ID and date under the Tia bird drawing.

Sixth step:
At this stage, I took a picture of the Tia bird that I had drawn in my hand and took a picture.

Thanks All.

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