Betterlife || The Diarygame 21-05-2024 || Today is the election day for chairman, vice chairman at the upazila level

in hive-170554 •  2 months ago 

Photo taken by my Google Pixel 6 Pro mobile

Assalamualaikum all of my friends. How are you all? I hope you all are well. I am also fine. Today I am going to present to you my diarygame post of election day yesterday 21-05-2024 and I hope you will like my activities on this election day yesterday.

Morning Time

Yesterday 21-05-2024 was the election day of our Fultala Upazila Chairman, Vice Chairman, that's why I woke up early in the morning. After waking up I freshen up and finish my breakfast and then I contact my friend on mobile to talk about voting. After talking with a friend, I took my mobile for a while and entered Steemit to work. At 11 am my friend asked me to go out because then we will go to vote for our preferred candidate. Then I left the house and went to the polling station which was about 1 km from my house and cast my vote on time.


In the morning I went to the polling station to find the serial number of my voter ID card and cast my vote

At Noon

In the morning I returned to my house after voting for my favorite candidate. Back home I was resting for a while after washing my hands and face. By then it was noon and after 12 noon went to my uncle's house next to my house to talk to my cousin because yesterday we wanted to bath together in a pond near our house. After going to uncle's house, I sit and rest for a while and watch television. By then my cousin came ready for noon bath and then I changed my clothes and went to the pond for noon bath. After noon bath, returned home after 1:20 pm and then changed wet clothes and rested for a while and had lunch. After lunch I play some online games on my mobile and then go back to sleep to rest.


Some time spent at uncle's house at noon

Afternoon Time

After 5:20 PM after finishing my afternoon rest, I got out of bed and took mobile in hand and entered Facebook to check the poll information. But still I did not get any information as counting of votes is not over. Then I left the mobile phone and went out for a walk alone in the afternoon. Basically I go out for walks alone through our area. It was nice to walk along the railway line in the sweet afternoon weather. During the afternoon walk I capture some pictures of the sun visible in the sky on my mobile and I walk till evening.


The sun visible in the late afternoon sky was beautiful to watch

Night Time

After afternoon sightseeing, in the evening I went to Shiromani market to buy a button phone for my mother. I went to the market and met a friend of mine and took the friend to a mobile shop in the market and bought a button mobile for Bangladeshi 1550 Taka or 52.66 Steem. Then I stayed in the market for some time to know the results of the election and after 8 pm I came to know that all the candidates I had voted for had won the election. Then I happily returned home shortly before 9 pm and after returning home freshened up and went to bed.


Later in the evening I bought a mobile for my mother

Thank you very much


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ভোট প্রতিটি নাগরিকের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। আমাদের সবার উচিত এলাকার উন্নয়নের জন্য একজন যোগ্য প্রার্থীকে সমর্থন করা।

আপনার দুপুরের সময়টা অনেক সুন্দর ছিলো, কাজিনদের সঙ্গে পুকুরে গোসল করা খুবই মজার একটি মূহুর্ত।
এটা জেনে ভালো লাগলো যে, আপনি যে পার্থীকে আপনার মূল্যবান ভোট দিছলেন,দিন শেষে তিনি বিজয়ী হন।
এবং পরিশেষে দেখতে পাই যে আপনি আপনার মায়ের জন্য একটি বাটন ফোন ক্রয় করেন এবং রাত নয়টার দিকে বাসায় গিয়ে আপনার দিনব্যাপী কার্যক্রম শেষ করেন।
আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল প্রিয় ভাইজান।
কিপ আপ ইউর গুড ওয়ার্ক & টেক লাভ ফর্ম মী 💞
