My Entry: Victim of discrimination."

in hive-170554 •  7 months ago 

Good day everone ,my friends and my love ones.

How are you all doing ,i hope you are all doing well,if so thinks be to God.

I am so excited to join in this wounderful contest organized by @solaymann


Discrimination is the unfair treatment of people

Discrimination may come in many forms or different directions, like:

Institurional discrimination

Direct discrimination

Internalised discrimination etc.

  • Institutional discrimination: it refers to the discrimination that is embedded in laws, organisations, schools, and even our communities, and it can also be the treatment for both groups or organisations.
  • Direct discrimination: it is the act of treating someone badly and unfairly because of certain characteristics like gender or race.
  • Internalise discrimination: it occurs when a person from any group or organisation begins to believe in negative thoughts about his or her own group, thereby leading to self-hatred.

Have you ever been discriminated against? Or saw someone being discriminated against?

I don't think that I have been discriminated against, but I have a friend in another school who is discriminated against.

Her name was Faith.

They were poor, but despite their socioeconomic status, her parents determined that she would attend one of the best schools in a wealthy town.

Because her family was not as affluent as that of her classmate, she faced discrimination from her peers and some of her teachers because of her socioeconomic status.

She was deprived of her rights and other social activities. Her classmates usually make snide comments about her clothes, the foods she brings to school, her family income, and other of her other personal matters, and teachers begin to treat her so differently in class.

Faith always felt alone, and also her grades began to be terminated because she lacked the courage to speak up about what she was experiencing.

As God may have it, Faith got transferred to a different school, and she found a sense of belonging and support in her new school, and her grades began to improve.


What will be your steps to prevent discrimination?

My steps to prevent discrimination include:

Challenging my own baise

Support education

support anti-discrimination police

Promote diversity

Advocate for social change.

  • challenging my biases: I will be aware of my own biases, and I will work in other ways to challenge them by seeking out diverse experience.
  • Superior education: I will use my time and resources to promote education and awareness of discrimination so that people may learn, understand,understand and know how to tackle discrimination when experiencing
  • Support anti-discrimination policies: I will always support laws and programmes that will always bring justice to all.
  • Promotes diversity in all and every sector of society in order to raise a voice against discrimination.
  • Advocate for societal change: I will advocate for laws and other societal attitudes that grantee discrimination and work towards it.


"People for people. Explain the statement.

The statement "people yor people" means that people should respect each other no matter the differences that may exist between them.

It means and emphasises the importance and benefits of recognising and treating others with kindness, compassion,compassion and dignity in order to create a society where everyone is treated with respect.

"People for people" is also about creating a culture of empathy and love where every body is well behaved and has dignity for each other, not minding their background and differences.
It is also about embracing diversity, celebrating differences, and also practicing empathy and compassion.

Give some advice to the discriminators.

My little advice for the discriminator is that you should try to become aware of your own biases and work towards challenging and changing them.

Educate yourself; always speak up if you witness discrimination; don't be silent; use your voice to speak and challenge discrimination.

Alwasys apologize, acknowledge your mistakes, and apologise. This can help you mend your relationships.

Use the privilege to support groups and always speak out against discrimination.

Thanks for reading.

I will like to invite @dave-hanny ,@jubayer687728, @mueeinisl to join this wonderful contest

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