Season 1 #week2 " Save Water Save World "

in hive-170554 •  11 months ago 

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This very season, the weather is very hot, my boss called, informing me to make space for the product she's bringing. So I started creating space for the product.


After like 30 minutes she arrived with a full of Amstel malt, 100 cans, I off-loaded the malt to the entrance of our shop, after offloading, I was sweating like someone like they have swore for, I was tasty as the same time.


I bought 2 sachet of pure water, I pour one on my head while I drank the other one, oh my God, I was relieved, strong and started packing the Amtel malt to the main shop. Am using this my experience to explain how important water can be.

If you're new to my blog, you're highly welcome, my name is @mhizta from Nigeria and I will like to place my humble invitation to @kidi40, @crystal247, @bossj23, @ogechukwu-martha and @saintkelvin to participate.

Let's look at how important water is to our body, the contributions of water to nature, what we should do if we run out of drinking water and practical ways to conserve water in our daily lives.

How important is drinking water for our body?

We drink water when we are tasty but do you how water work on our body? here is it:

  • Drinking water helps to regulate our body temperature, protect organs, and also help in digestion. Drinking water helps in flushing out toxins from our body, maintain a healthy nervous system, and lubricating the digestive system.

  • Drinking water in help in building our energy levels like the example I mentioned in the introduction. I was energetics and alert after cooling myself with water.

  • I have mention flushing out toxins from our skin, this improve our appearance and prevent acne, with just drinking of water. It's also help to prevent kidney stones and other kidney problems.

Do you why people look tire when they're tasty? because dehydration causes mood swings and make it hard for someone to focus or to concentrate but drinking water helps to improve our mental wellbeing.

Express your knowledge about the contribution of water to nature

From the picture above , you can see how important water is to the nature. on the first picture, you can see that the plants could not be able to survive because there's no water but on the second one, the plant looks to succulent and fresh. What am a trying to say? Let's find out.


  • One way water contribute to the nature is that it's support plant life, because plants use water to grow and thrive by absorbing it through their roots and then from the root into the atmosphere through transpiration.

  • Water also contribute to the nature by regulating weather and climate through precipitation, temperature, and weather patterns. Not just that, it's also play a role in photosynthesis where by plant convert sunlight into energy.

  • Water also contribute to the nature in the sense that it's support human life, because majority of Civilization is been developed around water sources, rivers and streams serve as highways for animals and plants to travel between ecosystems and water makes the soil fertile for agriculture.

What should we do when we run out of drinking water?

Imagine you're driving your car and along the way you run out of fuel, what will you do, you may likely to find way on how to refill your car as well as preserving the fuel. The same applies to water, when we run out of water , it's means we need to find a way solve the problem and preserve water, in what way? Let's find out:


  • Our first step is to learn how to conserve water. This conservation means avoiding anything that will waste the water like fixing a leaking tap, taking shorter showers, and watering the garden using water from rain barrels instead of drinking water.

  • Learning to improvise or recycled by treating and recycling wastewater for other uses like irrigation, toilet flushing or by Implementing desalination, which the process of removing salt from sea water to make it drinkable. Sea water is salty and it's not good to drink but through desalination, you can get a clean drinking water from it.

  • They say "Two head is better than one" we can help in promoting those people who are working hard to protect and conserve water resources through policies, practices and investment. it's can be government, or individual, both the public ans private sector.

What are some other practical ways to conserve water in our daily lives?

♦️Instead of washing my car using hose, I can conserve the water by washing it with a bucket and sponge.

♦️Doing full loads of laundry, that's, waiting until you have a full load of laundry before washing can save water and energy, instead of doing in small quantities because its will waste a lot amount of water.

♦️If I want to water my farm, I can decide to do it early in the morning or late evening, because it will reduce the water evaporating, and more water will reaches the plants.

♦️Collecting rainwater for irrigation; instead of using drinking water I can use rain barrels to fetched and store rainwater for irrigation.

In conclusion, water is very essential to man, animals, place and the nature as a whole, we can preserve water by fixing leaking tap and using sponge and bucket to wash car instead of hose. My dear friends, let keeping refreshing our body with water, because it's so beneficial for your health.


All original picture was taken on my phone

My best regards;@mhizta

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Hello dear, I wish to you to be in peace and living their best moments of life.
First of all, let me tell you that I really liked the presentation of your post. You showed the use of water. Water is very important. Water should not be wasted because as long as there is water on earth, there is life.

I enjoyed reading your post. Wish you good may you always achieve whatever you aim for yourself in life and make the best journey .Greetings from me Have a beautiful.

Water is very important in our life. Not only us human but to the whole living things. That is why they say " that water is life it doesn't have enemy.

did you just say water doest have enemy 🙄

what about me that doesn't like using water as a means if transportation 😎

That one na you Sabi