The Dairy Game "" 29-11-2024" "Played cricket and enjoyed special moment"

in hive-170554 •  3 months ago 

Dear Steemian Friends,

Assalamu Alaikum to all. Hope you all are well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Now I am going to share today's The dairy game || 29-11-2024 || with you all.

playing time

I usually spend Fridays at home. Because I like to spend one day a week with my parents. I think every boy and girl should do that.

In the morning I went home with two cousins ​​and spent the whole morning with them. Then I went home and talked with my mother for a while and went to take a bath as I got ready to go to the mosque as it was Jumma's day . I haven't played for a long time, so I went down to play with the younger brothers of the area. I played for a long time. Old memories came to mind while playing. I used to stay in the playground all day. Sometimes I used to skip class and go to play. And now to play twice a year if there is a chance. After playing 4 matches I came back to pray. After praying, I spent some time with my mother and returned home to the city. And that's how my Friday went.


playing cricket with local younger brother

Every person should spend at least one hour daily in sports. Because people can benefit in many ways through sports. Along with entertainment, exercise also happens and socializing is very necessary.


fielding time

My humble request to everyone is to do regular sports every day.

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