Life will be much easier if you can understand the texts properly.

in hive-170554 •  5 months ago  (edited)

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Do you know a word? The problems in your life are only yours, no one else's, no one else can come and solve your problems until you try to solve your own problems. Everyone is busy in this world. Everyone is busy to fulfill their dreams. So don't waste your precious time waiting for someone else in the afternoon. The one who needs you will find you right when he needs you. So no matter what storms and rains come in life, never let your dream get lost. Do you know why? No one can live in this world if they lose their dreams, no matter if there is someone in life or not. But you have to live, right? You have a long way to go, don't sit down thinking you are so weak.

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Well, you're not a person who breaks down with a small injury, so why are you giving up today? Why do you want to let yourself get lost in an unknown void? You are not like ten other people in the society, you are different from everyone, your dream is also different from everyone, so why do you compare yourself with others again and again. You know what? You are very patient, you are very talented, you are a very soft-hearted person, you know how to love everyone, you can be happy with the happiness of others, and you suffer silently from the pain of others, just as you know how to take responsibility for yourself, you know how to take every responsibility that comes to you. Know how to observe properly. So what are you holding back in fear today, what is preventing you from moving forward? I know you can, you can find a solution to every problem that comes in your life.


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You just give yourself time, give yourself some importance, it doesn't take much to change your life. It is possible to change your life only if you evaluate yourself and your dreams correctly. Yes, you may have made many mistakes in life, you may feel guilty, but remember that your creator loves you more than your parents love you. He knows everything, sees everything, he can feel the words of your heart much better than you. You may not know, he can sit you down and give you everything in this world. But you know why, your Creator doesn't like idleness, He wants to make you a working man. Wants to make you a strong person physically and mentally. Wants to make you a self-confident and self-respecting person. He wants to introduce you as a respectable person in the society. If he sat down and gave you everything, you would never achieve these things.text


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So never make yourself lazy. Do not despair, no matter where you are, He will never turn away from your call. Try hard, your creator will give you much more than you deserve. Do you want to show something in life, yes if you want to show something in life, then start asking yourself from now whether you are trying right. Maybe you want to do something in life, want to show everyone something, that's why it's important to start trying first. Achieving success in something is not something that you suddenly start working on today and achieve it by the end of the day. In fact, success is a long journey, and those who use every moment of patience to move forward succeed. Do you know where most of the time we waste the precious time of our life? We waste precious time of our life trying to please others. Look, keep one thing in mind very nicely, you alone cannot make everyone happy. It is not possible to please everyone at once.

Those who start changing their lives by following the words of others, first of all the joys start disappearing from their lives. So first of all you have to take the responsibility of keeping yourself happy. Yes, first of all you have to take the responsibility of keeping yourself happy. The problems of your life are only yours. Not anyone else's. No one else can solve your problems unless you try to solve them yourself. If you like the article, please share it with everyone and pray for me.

Allah Hafez

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