'Betterlife'.The Dairy Game (25.04.2024) Celebrated a event with steemit friend.

in hive-170554 β€’Β  3 months agoΒ 

Hello Everyone.
I am @sagorkhan01 from Bangladesh

πŸ’• Assalamu- Alaikum πŸ’•

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How are you dear readers? Alhamdulillah I am very well. Greetings and greetings to all who are reading this post from anywhere in the world. I had a very nice day today. I will tell you all about what I did and where I went throughout the day. I hope you will like this post. So let's start today with a new post.


Good morning I woke up thanking God like every day. After waking up freshened up and did some physical exercise. After finishing the exercise, I had breakfast. After finishing breakfast in the morning I slept in the room, I didn't feel like sleeping so I thought to go to my uncle's shop and sit. As soon as I went there, I saw that my uncle had come with a bike. Come and tell me that let's go to the market. I got on the back of his bike without asking anything.


Then we went to the market together. After going to the market and wandering around a lot, I saw that a shop was open. Then he goes to the shop and buys sweets and curd. The market is not far from our area. After crossing some roads, a river dams up. The name of the river is Mathabhanga river. We often spend leisure time in this river. You can see in the picture that there is no water in the river now. I have never seen this condition of this river since I was born. The temperature of the earth's atmosphere is increasing day by day, it is very harmful for our environment. We must plant more trees to maintain this environment. I used to bathe and have fun in the river as a child. During this summer I used to go to the river to bathe. But now there is no water in this river. We were disgusted with ourselves. That we are ruining such a beautiful environment like this.


@mostofajaman uncle called us while we were returning from the market. Asking us where we are. He asks us to come to his shop very soon. We went to his shop soon after finishing the market. I went there and saw that Mustafa Kaku had bought a beautiful cake. Today his steem held a beautiful event to mark three years. We also join him in his arrangements. We will be eternally grateful to him for bringing us to this beautiful platform through his hands.


Then we are all together. Let's celebrate together in a beautiful way. Many thanks to @mostofajaman for organizing such a beautiful event. To invite us with him. As we wanted to celebrate it in a grand and grand way. We cut the cake very nicely and have a lot of fun. While cutting the cake, I smeared the cake cream on their cheeks. They also rub each one on my cheeks. We have a lot of fun this way.


After cutting the cake and mischievous fun, everyone went home. I spend some time with him. I hear a lot about his beautiful journey from this platform. It was interesting to me how hard he worked to make his place on this platform. Many thanks to him for connecting us to such a beautiful platform. Then I took a selfie with my uncle. I have already shared that with you.


After finishing the cake smashing and mischief. I think we all take a bath together. In front of Mustafa Kaka's shop, there is a machine for watering the land, which produces a lot of cold water. It will be very nice to take a bath in this cold water on this hot day. We had a lot of cake on our cheeks and face so thought to call everyone and bathe there together. Just as the thought is the same, I called everyone again. Then we all went together for bath. Go there and do a lot of mischief and fun and finish the bath with him. It takes a long time to take a shower. Then we go to each house.


After coming home, I leave the clothes and finish the lunch. After lunch I was lying in bed. The body felt very bad and now I am tired due to doing a lot of mischief. So I thought I needed a long sleep. Then I went to the land of sleep. I woke up and saw that it was afternoon. Then one of my younger brothers called me. She tells me to take her to the market. Then I took out the bag and went to the market with him. There is a shop and the seven above the shop have a nice sitting area. Go there and buy three three speed. I have already shared a picture of him with you. After completing all activities, leave for home.

This is how my beautiful day has passed. I hope you will read my day till the end. And all of you will enjoy what we did and the fun we had on this day. I am ending today's post here wishing everyone good health. Everyone will be fine and healthy.

Thank You For Reading

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