'Betterlife'.The Dairy Game (27.04.2024) Hangout with steemian friends.

in hive-170554 β€’Β  2 months agoΒ 

Hello Everyone.
I am @sagorkhan01 from Bangladesh

πŸ’• Assalamu- Alaikum πŸ’•

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How are you dear readers? Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah I am very well. Greetings and greetings to all who are reading my post from anywhere in the world. Today I will share with you all about what I did and what I ate with friends. I hope you will read my whole post nicely. So let's start today with a new post on a new day.


Good morning I woke up thanking God like every day. I am fresh after waking up. After getting fresh, I completed the physical exercises that are in the morning like every day. After exercising, I feel fresh again. After getting fresh, I had breakfast. After finishing breakfast one of my younger brothers called me. Call and ask to come to the store. I go there and wait for him while @mostofajaman walks into his shop. Then I was sitting in the shop with my uncle. During this intense heat, he was not going to sit in his shop. So I told my uncle that let's go outside and stand. Then we were standing in a place inside the house and talking with him. I took a picture in between. I have already shared it with you.


We were standing talking while @shahariar1 called us. He says bamundi should go to bazaar. Then we all got ready and left to go to bamundi market. They had a lot to buy so basically went to the market. I went to accompany them. In this heat, when the time is not passing by, it seems as if the body is burning in the heat of the sun. Then we stand in a shade where we take a selfie and you can see the amount of resistance.


We reached our destination while talking on the bike. After going there we first entered the AC shop. There we were sitting in AC and watching AC. It has become very important for us on this hot day. I will not take it, Mustafa Kakar's father-in-law will take it. So he went to the store. After getting there and taking care we went outside for some food. After much searching found a shop. We three went there and sat.


Then we go to the shop and sit. After sitting in the shop we order yogurt. The curd was very good to eat. It was very tasty to eat. We have been learning from our elders since childhood that eating curd in this hot day keeps the body cool. Digestive system is good by eating curd. It contains lactobacillus bacteria which doubles the digestive power of our body and helps in keeping the digestive system healthy. So it is very important for us to eat this food occasionally. This food can be easily eaten by everyone from young to old. Then we finish eating curd together.


After eating and drinking we completed our work. A lot of time passed while working and I got Krishna in the heat. Dry throat is becoming a common thing during this summer. Everyone likes to eat cold food on this hot day. But more cold food can be very harmful for our body. So we must avoid extra cold food on this hot day. Then we went to a sherbet shop. Three of us went there and ordered three glasses of lemon sorbet. Then give us the lemon sherbet. The best part was that the lemon sherbet was being made right in front of us and we were watching it very well. Then three glasses of lemon juice are given to the three. The three of us had three glasses of lemon sherbet and left for home.


It was almost noon when we reached home. I take a bath after coming home. After taking a bath, I finished my lunch. I was a little sleepy after having lunch, my nephew called me and said, uncle, let's go out. Then I took one of his friends for a walk outside. There we were sitting in a shop. Meanwhile, I was taking some pictures. In that we took a selfie and have already shared it with you. A lot of time passed by walking around with them and the evening approached. In the evening we came home.

Thus ends my beautiful day. I hope you will like my day very much. Everyone will read my day till the end and comment something nice. I am ending today's post here wishing everyone good health. Everyone stay well and stay healthy.

Thank You For Reading

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