SEC-S15W4: My Dream Place

in hive-170554 •  last year 

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Which is your dream place and why is this place your dream place?

Khana kabba which is present in Saudi Arabia as well as masjid e nabvi and all zyarat of Family of Mohammad SAW are my favourite because a person cannot get such kind of peace at any other place then these places so I think the person who visit that place anytime in their life is lucky definitely.

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These all places are my very favourite because at these places we feel a lot of spirituality and peace from different difficulties of life. From all the above places mentioned if they would be opportunity available for me to go at any place then I would definitely take benefit from that opportunity.

Show us a feature of your dream place

When I talk about one of my most favourite features of my dream places then these are the beautiful handmade art and expensive material that looks incredible to see in their buildings of all these zyarat. As well as there are multiple features that I can share with all of you.

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The special level of silence and a feel of spirituality at my dream places is also one of the most beautiful feature that I would like to share with all of you about my dream places.

What are the special dishes of your dream place and what special dishes do you want to enjoy there? And if you have been, what food did you enjoy?

When I talk about special dishes of my dream place then I would like to talk about Saudi Arabia country in which there is Macca and Madina situated in which there is masjid e nabvi. In Saudi Arabia dates is one of my most favourite dish and one of the most famous food of that area that I really like as well as Abe zamzam is also very famous.

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When I talk about other zyarat then as I have never visited anyone from them so I don't know honestly speaking the famous dishes of that areas but really these are my dream places and when I would have money and opportunity then first I would love to fulfill my that dreams.

Who do you want to go with or have you gone to your dream place?

When I talk about the person with which I want to visit that places then honestly speaking there is not a single person because I love to go with my sister brother father and mother means with my whole family to that places.

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No I have not visited my dream places still anyone from them but I wish that in life very soon I would love to go with my family. I choose my family because every thing that you start with joy then you always include closest person of your life in it and my family is close to me.

I want to invite

Have a blessed day
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Halo teman senang bisa membaca artikel Anda.

setelah saya membaca dan melihat kontes minggu ini, hampir dari semua umat muslim memilih Ka'bah sebagai tempat impian impiannya,di sini kita bisa ambil kesimpulan bahwa Ka'bah merupakan tempat suci bagi umat muslim di seluruh dunia, selain itu Ka'bah juga merupakan tempat menunaikan ibadah haji dan umroh.

semoga suatu saat nanti anda bisa mengunjungi tempat ini bersama keluarga,semoga sukses di kontes minggu ini.


Reciba un afectuoso saludo @sahar78

Definitivamente como musulmán veo que el deseo de todos es poder visitar estos lugares de la Meca y Medina.

Comer sus dulces dátiles y poder rezar en la mezquita.
Y quién mejor que la familia para viajar al lugar soñado

Espero que en algún momento puedas cumplirlo.
Hasta pronto 👋