SEC-S17W2: "A review of the most special food you've eaten in your life"

in hive-170554 •  11 months ago 

Hello Everyone. I am @shiftitamanna
From #Bangladesh

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Assalamu Alaikum everyone. Today I am very excited to participate in Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 in my beloved community Steem For Bangladesh. The topic of this week is A review of the most special food you've eaten in your life. In fact, everyone who is a foodie has their own special food. which they like to eat the most. Today I will give a review about my special food through this challenge.


What is the name of the special food?



The most special food for me is the traditional Bangladeshi Kachchi Biryari. I am sure that Bangladeshi people's tongues will water when they hear the name of Kacchi Biryani. It is not only a popular dish in Bangladesh but it is also a popular food throughout Asia.

However, the value of this Katchi Biryari is different for Bengalis. Because this food carries the history of old Dhaka. Because it is basically the food of Mughals. It is very specially made with goat meat. A food that is very delicious to eat, although it is a bit time-consuming. Which to me carries adala quality compared to other foods.


Where did you eat this food? Or if you have a recipe, you can share it.

Kachchi Biryani I have prepared at home and also eaten outside restaurants. But most of the time eaten out. Because I find it a little difficult to make at home. Because I haven't learned how to make it properly yet. And due to the high demand of this food among the people of Bangladesh, many restaurants have been established in different places in the capital Dhaka. From where I eat regularly or bring home parcels.


Besides, there are two famous kacchi biryani restaurants in Dhaka, which have a great popularity. This is Sultan's Dine and another cutie brother. I have eaten kacchi biryani from two restaurants. The taste of kacchi biryani prepared by them is unmatched.

1. Beef - 2 kg8. Jayatri -3/4 pcs15. Cumin- 1 tbsp
2. rice -1 kg9. Ghee & oil- half cup16. Crushed almonds- 2 tbsp
3. Potatoes -half kg10. Rose water- 2 tbsp17. Keorazol-1 tsp
4. Onion -1 cup11. Cinnamon- 2/3 piece18. Alubokhara-10
5. Ginger & garlic - 2 tbsp12. Lemon juice- 1 tbsp19. Coal- half a kg
6. Sour Yogurt - 1 cup13. Raisins- 3 tbsp20. Saffro-half teaspoon
7. Salt -To taste14. Chilli-10/1521. Powdered milk-3 tbsp


Method of preparation :

  • First, wash the goat meat well and drain it. Then mix the meat with ginger garlic paste, salt, curd, cinnamon, cardamom, ghee, saffron and leave to marinate for fifteen minutes.

  • After marinating, then mix milk with meat. And after that I will fry potatoes in oil and add them to the meat.

  • Then I will wash the rice and put it in the meat after it is half cooked. I will put the remaining half of ghee, onion paste, raisins, potatoes, almonds, rose water in the oven on low heat for about an hour.

  • After keeping it for a short time, it should be kept for another hour. Then the kacchi biryani can be served hot.


Why is this food the most special food you eat in your life?

Other flavors make this meal one of the most special in my life. There are more biryani type dishes in our country. But kacchi biryani has a slightly different taste. Also another reason is that the meat in biryani is very soft when the dish is cooked perfectly. Since kacchi biriyari is simmered for a long time, a chemistry is created between all the ingredients of all the spices from within the meat. As a result, I get a wonderful taste in this food.


And why would you encourage everyone to eat this food?


Kachchi Biryani is a famous and traditional dish of Bangladesh. Which represents the culture of our country to the whole world. This dish has a 400 year old tradition which makes it incomparable in terms of taste and aroma compared to other dishes.

Therefore, I will encourage everyone to eat my most special dish to make this traditional food of my country and Bangladesh known to the whole world. Biryani of Bangladesh means kacchi biryani which has been transformed into a trademark. So day by day the spread of this food has increased as well as people's demand for kacchi biryani has increased twofold.

All images used in the article are my own.

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I would like to invite my friends @mdkamran99, @irawandedy, @patjewell, @goodybest to participate in this contest. Click here to go to the contest link.


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Your post is really good for those who may not know, Kachchi Biryani is a type of biryani that originated in Bangladesh, I completely agree with you that sharing traditional foods like Kachchi Biryani is a great way to promote cultural exchange and understanding. Food has a way of bringing people together, and sharing our culinary traditions can help bridge cultural gaps. It is a great idea. Good luck dear .

Faran Nabeel

Hi dear
There is no doubt all kinds of Biryanis favorite meal all over the world,we all love to eat frequently in menu ,in my family party never completed if biryani not in menu ,you shared in very interesting way the recipe of it,the Bangladesh,s kacchi biryani famous all over the world I am belonging to Pakistan and yes it's also symbol and tradition of my home land .
Nice publication with spectacular images wishing you success for contest post.💗💗

Thank you very much ma'am for presenting such a beautiful biryani post to us. You are right that our country now has many restaurants and many biryani shops. Biryani stalls everywhere I go and the sight of this delicious stuff makes my tongue water.

Your special meal looks good and I'm sure tastes good. Any meal that carries goat meat is a delicious food for me because when properly seasoned, the stock can be used for any food of your choice. This dish should be made known to the world.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @anasuleidy

Tidak diragukan, Itu hidanganyang membuat hari-hari benar-benar menyenangkan, Saya menyukainya dan itu terlihat sangat lezat. Presentasi yang sempurna hari ini.

Your enthusiasm for Kacchi Biryani is evident, and your detailed description makes it mouthwatering. However, while your passion shines through additionally, providing personal anecdotes or experiences with the dish could add depth to your review. Overall, a tasty topic.

"Assalamu Alaikum! Thank you for sharing your engaging participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 17 with us. Your review of Kachchi Biryani is not only informative but also mouthwatering!

The way you've described the rich history and cultural significance of this traditional Bangladeshi dish is truly captivating. It's evident that Kachchi Biryani holds a special place in your heart, not just as a delicious meal, but as a symbol of heritage and tradition.

Your detailed recipe and method of preparation make it clear that crafting the perfect Kachchi Biryani requires skill, patience, and a deep appreciation for culinary artistry. And your enthusiasm for encouraging others to experience the exquisite flavors of this dish is admirable.

May your love for Kachchi Biryani continue to inspire others to explore the diverse and flavorful cuisine of Bangladesh. Keep spreading the joy of good food and cultural heritage through your wonderful posts!

Wishing you continued success on your Steemit journey. শুভ নববর্ষ! (Shubho Noboborsho!) 🎉"

Dear friend, kacchi biryani is my favorite too, you have very nicely shared about kacchi biryani and its recipe in your contest post, hope you do well in your contest participation.

Your submission is excellent and you really present that you love wonderful food. It really looks like a very tasty dish. It is wonderful that it is a very popular dish in your country, Bangladesh. The easy way you prepare the dish and sharing the ingredients for the dish is great. Nice to see your post. You have shared this wonderful post with its beautiful photos. I am sure you will get a great win in this wonderful competition.


Kachchi Biryani, a beloved and iconic dish of Bangladesh! I'm thrilled to hear that you want to share its deliciousness with the world. Kachchi Biryani is indeed a treasured part of Bangladeshi cuisine, and its rich flavors and aromas are a true delight.



@shiftitamanna ম্যাম,,

আমার পছন্দের তালিকায় থাকা অন্যতম একটি সুস্বাদু খাবার হলো বিরিয়ানি যেটিকে আপনার স্পেশাল খাবার হিসেবে উপস্থাপন করা দেখে খুবই ভালো লাগলো। বিরিয়ানি আমাদের দেশের প্রতিটি মানুষের মনেই জায়গা করে নিয়েছে এটির অনন্য স্বাদের জন্য।সেজনই এখন বড় বড় অনুষ্ঠানগুলো বিরিয়ানি ছাড়া সম্পন্ন হতে দেখাই যায় না।তাছাড়া বন্ধু বান্ধব, বা পাড়া প্রতিবেশিদের সাথে একসাথে আনন্দে কোনো আসর জমালে সেটি যেন বিরিয়ানি ছাড়া অপূর্ণ রয়ে যায়।

তবে,সত্যি কথা বলতে ছাগলের মাংশ আমার অল্প একটু অপছন্দ বিধায় আমি ককনো কাচ্চি বিরিয়ানি টেস্ট করিনি।তবে, কাচ্চির অনান্য যেসব কাজিন অর্থাৎ তেহারি থেকে শুরু করে বিরিয়ানির সকল প্রকার ফ্লেভার আমার কাছে দারুন লাগে।আর এই বিরিয়ানির লিস্টে টপার হিসাবে আমি চিকেন বিরিয়ানিকে স্থান দিয়েছি নিজের পছন্দনীয় খাবার হিসাবে।

ধন্যবাদ জানাচ্ছি আপনাকে কাচ্চি নিয়ে এত সুন্দর একটি উপস্থাপনা শেয়ার করার জন্য।আমও এই প্রতিঢ়োগিতায় আপনার মঙ্গল কামনা করছি। ভালো থাকবেন।


Kacchi biryani has a 400 year old tradition. It is a long standing Bangladesh food that has been eaten for centuries. Thank God we have rice and also have goat meat in my country, I'll learn the recipe and practice it some day. Because of the historical value placed on the food, it has become the most eaten and wanted food in Bangladesh to the extent that many restaurants has been open just to deal on this food. I wish you success in the challenge

First when I saw your recipe description and I saw beef, I became very disappointed because I thought it is cow's meat and in India we worship Cow but when I came down in your post and you have written goat meat so it made me relax. Well I have read all your post and I must say image seems yummy and I got an idea how bangladeshi people are die heart fan of this dishes. You can watch YouTube so you will learn to cook easily at your own home.

I like to read your post, I read it and realized that your kacchi biryani is a very favorite dish. I like it. I have cooked it at home a few times, but it doesn't taste like the restaurant. I also order from outside most of the time. Let's bring the food, and Kacchi Bhai's Kacchi is wonderful. You have shared the recipe for Kacchi very beautifully. I will follow your recipe again and try to make it myself one day. Thank you for sharing such a delicious recipe with us. Best wishes and prayers for you to stay well.

কাচ্চি বিরিয়ানি ছবি দেখে তো এখন আমার জিভে জল চলে এলো। আমারও কাছে খুব পছন্দ আপনার এই খাবারের ছবি দেখে আমারও এখন মন চাইছে খেতে। আপনার রেসিপিটি আমার কাছে খুবই পছন্দ হয়েছে। আপনার জন্য রইল অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা। এই প্রতিযোগিতায় যেন আপনি বিজয়ী হতে পারেন এই দোয়া করি।

Hi friend, it is of Truth that everyone has their own favorite dishes they enjoy, and your case isn't exceptional I'll love to try out yours.

Greetings dear friend, your presentation is wonderful,

I am an individual who is passionate about food, from this contest, l have realised your favourite food.

Your step of preparation is very and well details, definitely, l will try this dish one day.

I wish you success in this contest

Your kacchi biryani looks so delious . I am sure the way you are explained that taste i am really sure so good. You made a great most. Always work hard like this

Kachchi Biryani, a famous and traditional dish of Bangladesh, embodies the country's culture. With a 400-year-old tradition, its unique taste and aroma set it apart from other dishes. Encouraging everyone to try this special dish will help introduce Bangladesh's culinary heritage to the world. The popularity of Kachchi Biryani has grown, becoming a trademark of Bangladesh's cuisine, with increasing demand for this iconic dish, good luck @shiftitamanna

Waalikum e Assalam my friend 😃
Yes, there is absolutely no doubt that Biryani of Karachi, Bangladesh and India is famous all over the world.The Biryani you have shown is whetting me appetite, it looks very delicious.Best of luck for contest.

Yummy nasi briyani rasanya sangat enak, terlihat dari gambarnya saja saya sudah terasa lapar. Semoga sukses di kontes ini :)