Week5: My Unique Recipe.

in hive-170554 •  2 months ago  (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum.
Hello everyone,
I am @sojib1996

From #Bangladesh

How are you all? I hope everyone is well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today I will be taking part in a beautiful contest of the Steem For Bangladesh community. This contest name is Week5: My Unique Recipe.

Thank you so much Sir @solaymann for organizing such a beautiful event


I am happy to participate in the recipe contest. I can make some special recipes. But it is easier for me because I make some recipes and eat them myself and often share them with my family.

Although it is winter in our country now, today I will make my unique recipe and show my cooking skills.

Among the recipes, today I will make cabbage chops (pakoras). I hope everyone will like it.

Present the step-by-step instructions for your recipe, explaining the preparation process.
Ingredients required for recipe preparation

Cabbage1 piece
Saltone spoon
Chilli powderone spoon of
oilaccording to the amount of
ginger pasteone spoon of
garlicAccording to
Cuminaccording to
Meat seasoningaccording to
Eggs1 piece
green chilies2 piece
coriander leavesaccording to the amount of
Magic Spices2 packet
🎨Step 1🎨


I first cut a medium-sized cabbage and carrots into small pieces and put them in a pot.

🎨Step 2🎨


I half-boil them in hot water in another pot and after boiling, I drain the water and put them in the pot.

🎨Step 3🎨


Then I add green chilies and chili powder.

🎨Step 4🎨


I add salt and onion in sufficient quantity.

🎨Step 5🎨


I add coriander leaves to it for garnish because the chops get garnished while eating.

🎨Step 6🎨


I added rice flour and besan to make the chops puffy or soft. This will make the chops puffy and soft to eat.

🎨Step 7🎨


I added various spices to it. Magic spice is mandatory in the spices because the spices will enhance the taste of the chops.

🎨Step 8🎨

In this, I added a chicken egg. I mixed it well and left it for 30 minutes. Because the longer it is left, the more spices will penetrate the vegetables.

🎨Step 9🎨


Then I put my pot and put oil in it to heat it. It took some time for the oil to heat.

🎨Step 10🎨


When the oil was hot, I dropped the mixed vegetables in the pot in the form of chops.

🎨Step 11🎨


When the bottom part of the chop was done, I turned it over so that it would be the other part of the chop would be fried nicely.

🎨Step 12🎨


When the chop is done I take it out with a sieve and drain the oil from the chop using the sieve.


I arrange the chops in a pot and take a picture with my name and date.

It is very delicious to eat with tomato sauce. And I take a selfie with this delicious food. This selfie made me happier than cooking.


I often make this chop and eat it with my family. But I learned this when I was a child. I made it after coming from the office and I was even more happy to eat it with everyone with hot chop tomato sauce as a snack on a winter evening.

I would like to invite my friends @alysaa @suryanitj and @pandora2010 to take part in the contest.

Best Regards, @sojib1996

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Such an elaborate and nice looking meal. You sure spent time and efforts and it brought out a really good result.
Welldone chef and thanks for inviting me!

Realmente su receta se ve demasiado sabrosa, lo felicito.

Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

@shiftitamanna Thank you so much ma'am for valuable support me 💚💚

Thank you for the invitation. The food you serve looks very crispy. Nice to meet you, good luck.

অসাধারণ রেসিপি এটা আমার অনেক পছন্দের একটা খাবার। আমি প্রায় এটা বাসায় বানিয়ে থাকি।

@suryanitj Welcome ma'am

Thank you for your welcome.🙏🤗

@pandora2010 special thanks ma'am ❤️

Yes ma'am, it took both time and effort, thank you for your blessings.

@rajusam হ্যা ম্যাডাম আপনি ঠিক বলেছেন। এটি খেতে আসলেই অনেক সুস্বাদু। তবে জেনে খুশি হলাম এটি আপনার পছন্দের খাবারের মধ্যে একটি।

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ 💚