I Reviewed My Niece's School Today. The School Had A Very Beautiful beautiful And Pleasant Environment. (Hatekhari Pre Primary School)

in hive-170554 •  9 hours ago 

Hello Everyone
This is @sushanta83 From #Bangladesh

Wishing everyone good health, I am going to appear here with a new post today. Today I am going to review with you about the school my niece is enrolled in and how to stay busy in that school every day. Where I spent some time outside that school today. Anyway, I woke up at 7 am, then washed my hands and face, freshened up, spent some time and finished some light breakfast in the morning. My niece's class will be held at 8:30 am, so in a while, I dressed my niece in new clothes, took books and notebooks in hand, left the house and left for school.

Rickshaw fare2 Kilometers40 BDT2.23 STEEM

I'm getting into a rickshaw and heading to school.

Anyway, I have already left the house and am standing on the road for a rickshaw. Within a while, I got a rickshaw and got inside the rickshaw and sat down. I have already captured a picture and posted it for you. Then we had to spend about 30 minutes to reach the school. In the meantime, I have mentioned the rickshaw fare above. Within a while, we were dropped off at the school gate by a rickshaw.

Location:Hatekhari Pre Primary School

I got down from the bus and found the school standing in front of the gate, then I paid the fare to the rickshaw driver. The rickshaw driver left and we started entering the classroom through the gate in no time. In the meantime, I captured a picture of the outside of a school, that is, the banner at the school gate. Of course, I have used the location of the school here. It is located next to the big pond of our city. Then as soon as I entered, I saw a crowd of people gathering, meaning that most of the young children come here to study and their handwriting is beautiful.

Then I let my niece enter the classroom and I came out of the class to spend some time and am spending time sitting on the balcony. Since I am sitting, I went to my Steemit ID through my mobile phone for some time and started reviewing to spend time. I observed several posts, commented and voted. Then for some time I spent time watching dramas on YouTube. Since I have a lot of time in my hands, I am spending time outside. In the meantime, about an hour has passed and in a while the school tiffin time has started, the tiffin time for the children has started.

Tiffin time is given for 5 minutes.

Since I was spending time sitting on the veranda, the bell rang and I realized that it was tiffin time, so I soon found out that it was tiffin time for five minutes. Then I kept my niece near me and asked her to sit down to feed me bread. In the meantime, I saw that my elder sister had given me two packets of bread for tiffin, one packet for me and the other packet for my niece. That's the work, within a short time I fed my niece bread and tiffin time was over, then I sent my niece back to the classroom.

Office room features

I spent some time doing this and then I came to the office room in a while. In the meantime, I talked to Sir in the office room for several purposes. After talking to Sir, I realized that my niece is very talented and has a great speed in studying. Then I spent some time talking to Sir. I already left the office room and sat outside. I noticed that our school institution is covered by CCTV cameras everywhere on all sides and inside the room. There are CCTV cameras everywhere outside the school and inside the school.

It is worth mentioning that the aim of this school, namely Hande Khadi Pre Primary School, is to make handwriting very beautiful and at the same time to pass very well in studies. However, in the meantime, I have observed two pictures of the classroom here. Here, small children are taught in a very beautiful and pleasant environment with the help of madams. I like this school very much and I will often come to my niece's school to look after her.

In this way, the class time was almost over and the holiday would be announced in a while. Then I captured a picture while I was here in my office room. After capturing, I spent some time and then the school announced the holiday. It was 11 o'clock and then I returned home again by rickshaw with my niece. We had to spend 30 minutes to reach home. These were some of my niece's new school institution and the type of education in that institution.

Thank you very much for reading my Blog♥️

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