SLC-Home Repair Club | S23W2 | Tutorial:I Connection The Three-Pin Multiplug, A New Two-Pin, And A Cable.

in hive-170554 •  3 days ago  (edited)

Hello Everyone
This is @sushanta83 From #Bangladesh

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Hello Steemian friend, how are you? I hope you are very well by the grace of God. I am very well by your prayers and the grace of God. Today I am going to appear before you with a new post. My new post today is to make a new multiplug and present several working examples to you. Today I am going to observe with you how I connected the new multiplug. With the help of this multiplug, various types of cables can be connected to charge with the help of this multiplug: fan charge, mobile charger, light charger, etc.

@rmm31, @imranhassan I am specially happy that this kind of competition and the opportunity to develop myself and present myself as a new talent. So today I am going to share with you the process of making a new multiplug at my home. I hope you will stay with me and watch the post so let's get started without delay.

Today I will repair the sockets that are lying in my house with the help of electrical wires. These sockets have various names such as MK socket, 6 pin socket, or 8 pin socket. So I first tried to show you the top and back of the sockets. If you notice here, you can see that the L or N line is mentioned. L is our line and N is the neutral point. Probably up to 250 volts can be connected here and will survive.

I connected the black wire from the switch to the line.
I connected the niel wire from the switch to the line.

✅ Since I am going to work with two switches and three pin sockets. So I first have to connect a wire from the switch directly through the line, it must be. The reason is that the switch has two ports, so connecting one here will pass the line as soon as the switch is turned on. The line will spread through the entire vote and electricity will flow. So I first completed the ground work of this switch board.

✅ Since I am going to connect the wires to two sockets and work as plugs. So I first connected the wires of those plugs directly. As a result of connecting, my work is very fast and will not take much time. It is worth mentioning that I have already inserted the electrical wires into the boards of the sockets for the convenience of my work. However, I attached the wires with the help of a screwdriver. Then I connected the two boards together with the wires and connected them using a screwdriver.

I am wiring a new socket.
I twisted 2 types of wire.

✅ My intention is to use a board and two sockets to use a mobile charger at home. This process will continue. My work is almost ongoing. However, after a while I was able to connect all the wires with the help of a screwdriver.

Finally I spent some time and connected all the wires with the help of the screws and screwdriver. If you have noticed, I have mentioned the entire process of connecting the wires here. So I spent some time again checking if the connections are correct and started checking again with the help of the screwdriver. I connected one electrical main wire to another wire and connected it to a board and two sockets. Of course I have to complete these tasks carefully.

✅ I have already connected several feet of high quality wire to the two pin socket. Now my job is to connect the wires to the two pin plug. So I connected the wires with a screwdriver with a screwdriver in a short time and the job is complete. Then I connected the electrical line to the multiplug I made to verify that all the functions were correct. Then I turned on the switches of the multiplug and the light came on, which means the connection was correct.

✅ Finally, after I made the multi-plug, the process was successful. Then, within a while, I installed the mobile charger in that multi-plug and checked again whether everything was fine. I checked within a while and everything was fine. I took the right steps and became capable. Later, I will make several more multi-plugs and gift them to my neighbors or younger brothers. They can use such multi-plugs for their own needs.

There are different categories of screwdrivers

Professional Hardware Tools.
High Quality precision Telecommunication Tools.


I didn't need any extra money to make this multiplug. Because I had already purchased them. That means I was able to make a much better multiplug than the ones sold in stores and at a lower cost.

Thank you very much for reading my Blog♥️

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খুবই চমৎকার একটা টপিকে তুমি খুবই সুন্দরভাবে উপস্থাপন করেছ। তোমার কাজের ধরন দেখে মনে হচ্ছে তুমি দক্ষ ইঞ্জিনিয়ার। কোন স্বনামধন্য কলেজ থেকে ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং পাশ করেছ? মাল্টিপ্লাগের লাইন পুনরায় লাগানোর জন্য তুমি খুবই সুন্দর ভাবে পদক্ষেপ নিয়েছো। এজন্য তোমাকে খুবই ধন্যবাদ জানাই এত সুন্দর পোস্ট আমাদের মাঝে শেয়ার করার জন্য।

আমি আপনার কাছে অনেক কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করি।আপনার মূল্যবান সময় ব্যয় করে আমার পোস্ট পর্যালোচনা করার জন্য আমার অন্তরেরস্থল থেকে আপনার জন্য দোয়া ও ভালবাসা রইল।আমি শুধু অভিজ্ঞতার কিছু বৈচিত্র এর মাঝে তুলে ধরার চেষ্টা করছি।আমার বিশ্বাস আপনি যদি আমাকে কিছুু সময় আপনার পাশে রেখে সাপোর্ট প্রদান করেন তাহলে আমি খুব দ্রুত সামনের দিকে এগোতে পারবো।আপনার জন্য সব-সময় আমার পক্ষ থেকে শুভকামনা রইল ভাই🥰

ভালোবাসা নিবে 😊


Dear @sushanta83, First of all, welcome to our Home Repair Club. Your post is very informative and constructive, which will be very useful for beginners. The way you have shown the steps of multiplug connection is really commendable.

However, one small thing has come to mind. You wrote that L (Line) is our current and N (Neutral) is neutral. A little clarification is needed here.
L (Live) itself is not current; it carries current, and N (Neutral) basically acts as a path for the return of current. That is why live can be dangerous, but Neutral is usually safe. Keeping this small thing in mind will help you understand electrical connections more accurately in the future.

It was nice to learn something new from your post. I hope you will share more excellent content in our Home Repair Club in the future. Thank you and best wishes.


I knew I might be a little wrong here. Thank you very much for giving the guidelines. But I am going to participate in several competitions in Sanne very soon. Anyway, thank you very much for reviewing my post.