The Diary Game (25-04-2024) ||"Surprise from friends and elder brothers on my birthday'

in hive-170554 •  10 months ago 

Hello Everyone I am @torab97

Assalamu Alaikum to all. Hope everyone is well. I got a call from a friend when I woke up this morning. Happy birthday from the other end. Then asked me to go in front of campus principal's office. What is said is what is done. In my circle of friends, there is a custom of getting the body dirty on someone's birthday. So I went out without wearing such a good dress. When I went out and passed in front of my department, I saw my younger brothers and sisters.

When they saw them, everyone wished them a happy birthday. After exchanging greetings with more or less everyone present there, I left again in front of the principal's office. On reaching there, I saw Fahim, Oli and Ruhul waiting for me. After arriving there, he exchanged greetings with everyone and wished me a happy birthday. After chatting with them for a while, Raju and Mehdi brought cake and some food for their birthday. I was a little surprised.

They brought cake and food but forgot to bring knife and tissue to cut the cake. I was going to bring both of them in my room. They also came with me to the department and later I brought Fahim to my room. After taking the knife and tissue, I also changed the clothes so that the picture looks better.

I went to the front of the department again and saw that they were putting out the cake for cutting. As soon as I arrived, the cake cutting started. After cutting the cake, we finished feeding each other. Then we took the cake and went to the head of the department to feed the cake. Sir was very happy to see that we went. But due to diabetes sir said not to eat more sweet food. That ate a little in our tangles. I also gave cake to 3 employees of the department.

I, Raju Mehdi Ruhul, was walking to my room after leaving the department, thanking everyone, and said goodbye to others. Some people in the room were chatting for 1 hour when a younger brother called and asked to go to the front of the department. Again 4 people left the room and went to the front of the department and saw several seniors and juniors together. Some of them wished me happy birthday. Soon I saw them also bringing birthday cake for me. Everyone cut the cake together, fed each other and said goodbye to everyone and came to the room. Then I changed my clothes and took a bath. After lunch, I slept and passed the afternoon.



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