RE: "Wedding event"

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"Wedding event"

in hive-170554 β€’Β  16 days agoΒ 

Greetings my brother πŸ«‚ I never knew you are an introvert person but all the same I was laughing so hard when you said the couples had to borrow ring to complete that process πŸ˜…πŸ˜…. I was just imagining how their faces will be when the ring was no where to be found, that calls for good preparation. I'm seeing your wedding plans indeed you want to make single people jealous and you be hearing this expression God when.
Wish you all the best in this contest.

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Yeah bro, am an introvert.

Thanks so much for this wonderful comment i really appreciate.

That was one of the most funny wedding event that i have experience 🀣 πŸ˜‚ it became the talk of the town.