SEC-S17W5: "Share any two of your favorite gadgets (except mobile and computer).."

in hive-170554 •  10 months ago 

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Greetings esteemed steemians!

Gadgets are devices used by individuals to simplify some daily tasks. These gadgets are produced with the sole aim of satisfying or solving an existing problem.

Consider this situation whereby a business owner had to make account for the sales and expenses of his business. To calculate it manually will take a lot of time and effort to get it done. But he employed the use of a calculator which simplify the issue. In this article, let’s find out my favorite gadgets.

What are the names of your two favorite gadgets and how to use it?

The names of my favorite gadgets are New age power bank and Koleer speaker. These gadgets are important to me in my daily life. New age power bank is employed when my phone is low and require charging. It has been helpful to me when it comes to creating contents on Steemit. Koleer speaker is employed when I want to listen to music. I’ll explain more on this, stay tuned.

Explain how your life has become easier by using two gadgets

The essence of bringing gadgets to our daily life is to help make life easier. Below is the breakdown of the functionality of my favorite gadgets.

  • New age Power bank: This gadget is majorly used to charging other devices like mobile phones of all kind, speakers, Bluetooth, etc. In my daily life, I use this to charge my mobile phone. In a country like mine which electricity is unpredictable, it’s advisable to buy a power bank. This gadget has helped me in my contents creation on Steemit.


  • Koleer Speaker: This remains another device I use on a daily basis. They say music is the food of the soul, that’s why I use every day. It is proven that music relives stress and anxiety while working or resting. I use it while working on house chores or writing. It’s a great accompaniment for farm activities.
Share photo and talk casually about prices and where to get them
GadgetsNigerian priceSteem valueWhere to find them
New age Power bankN11,00028.3In a phone asessories store
Koleer speakerN1300033.5On it's website or retails stores


Do you want everyone to use these gadgets, if you use any other gadgets apart from these two gadgets then share and discus about it briefly?

I can humbly recommend these gadgets for anyone who is in need for quality gadgets. Another gadget of mine worthy of mention is Oraimo earbuds. Why I like this device is the comfort and flexibility of the product. I use this to play music at night because it won’t disturb anyone. Also, I use it to answer phone calls in noisy environment.

Over to you, which gadgets do you like?

I invite @bossj23, @patjewell and @josepha to this contest.

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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Dear @whizzbro4eva,, Greetings to this contest,,,

Power bank and speaker are two great gadgets used by all of us. Power bank is a very useful gadget to charge our mobile or other electronic devices like torch . By using speakers we can listen to music in our happy moments. Which gives peace of mind and makes any event more lively and enjoyable. I wish you all the best in this competition.

•Best Regards
