📢 Contest Steem For Bangladesh 📢 : "Reflect on the Past Year and Set Goals for 2024"

in hive-170554 •  9 months ago 

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone
This is @zisha-hafiz, from #Bangladesh.

The reason I'm here today is to participate in📢 Contest Steem For Bangladesh 📢 : "Reflect on the Past Year and Set Goals for 2024". I’m thankful to the Steem for Bangladesh community and Sir @mostofajaman for arranging such an amazing contest.


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A new year means the end of an old period while the new period does not welcome. Leaving behind all the old sorrows, hardships and failures, we enter the new year with new hope. I always try to make up for all the shortcomings of the old year with new zeal in the new year.

✅What important lessons do you think you have learned in Old Year 2023?

Mentally prepare for any circumstances

In the middle of last year, my mother became very ill. Which, as an only child, panicked me a lot. I didn't know what decision I should take. At the same time I had to face a lot of problems at work which gave me a lot of stress mentally. During this time I learned a lesson to be mentally strong in any situation. No situation should be broken, we have to deal with any kind of bad preparation in our life at any time with our strong human mind. Bad situation in my life may be more or less time but we have to go through that time with patience and wisdom. I think it's one of the biggest realizations of my life that I've taken my whole life as an education.

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Never compromise in the carrier

Carrier is an important aspect of our life. Choosing the right career makes our life easier otherwise it can cause us many difficulties. From my childhood, I always wanted to create something which would be of my own. As an employee, I always feel privileged in my career field but I never feel my inner satisfaction. This has affected my productivity and creativity. So finally I quit my job in September and by the grace of Allah, I have started my new company. I have begun my journey to the ultimate goal of my life. This gives me such relief that helps me to move forward with great inspiration.

We should live in the present

Living or enjoying our present is very important for our life. The times we have passed and faded away are called memories, what we are going through is called the present and what we expect is called the future. I always expect more from what I get in life I think we all do more or less. I am always thinking about my future instead of living or enjoying my present. A few months ago I lost a dear colleague of mine.
He is like a brother to me. He was so focused and passionate about his work that he gave very little time to his family. He finished work on 10th August and went back house. He felt a little chest pain after eating and drinking at night and died due to a heart attack. This incident shook us from the inside. Since then I have realized the value of my present rather than neglecting it of thinking of an uncertain future. So I try to enjoy every moment of my present.

✅ Was there something where you didn't succeed as planned?

Yes of course I had a great plan to celebrate this 31st night in Cox's Bazar with my whole 15 family members. All plans were done we were almost ready to leave Dhaka on the 28th but unfortunately, that day from noon my uncle-in-law became sick and we had to cancel our plan. Inn Sha Allah we will celebrate it next year.

✅ Share with us what your life goals 2024?

I shared with you that I started my new company. So now my only goal in life is to establish my company.


I want my company to be the top-listed company in our country. I want to create an opportunity for senior citizens neglected by other companies. I will donate a portion of my company's profits to help poor and needy people.

✅ What are your plans for the Steemit in 2024?

I joined this big and reputed platform from July, 2023. This is a new world for me, here I got to know different people from my country as well as many people from other countries. I received a warm welcome and support from this platform which was beyond my expectations.

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I got suggestions from the moderators through their valuable comments on my post which helped me to correct the mistakes in the post. Also learned a lot of new things through weekly discord meetings of our Steam for Bangladesh community. This year I will try my best to build a good reputation on this platform and become a successful Steemian. I will represent my post with my all creative skills.

I would like to invite three of my Steemian friends :

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Thank you for mentioning me. Reflecting on the past year is essential for personal growth. Consider achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. For 2024, set realistic goals that align with your values ​​and aspirations, fostering continuous improvement.