This is my first entry to this community and am happy to be participating in today's contest. Thanks to the MOD and ADMIN of this wonderful community for organizing such an exciting and amazing contest about plant.
I will be discussing about a plant called pawpaw (Carica Papaya). Below are the things you need to know about Unriped green papaya.
Things You Need To Know About Unripe Green Pawpaw
Pawpaw is a plant which botanical name is known as Carica Papaya. It is medicinal.
Unripe, green or raw papaya has health benefits that equal those in the nutritious, papaya fruit most favored in tropical countries?
Papaya is a healthful fruit with useful ingredients. But given its latex and high fiber content, excess intake of papaya may cause complications. Though some of the side effects of the fruit are yet to be proven, it is important you be aware of them. If you have any health condition, do consult your doctor before taking papaya.
How much papaya can you eat in a day?
There is no exact information available on the right dosage of papaya. Eating 150 to 200 grams of the fruit should be safe. If you have a health condition, consult your doctor for the ideal dosage for you.
Unripe green papaya is the raw papaya obtained in the unripe stage, from a small perennial plant. It is rich in a particular nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, phytonutrients, and enzymes like papain and chymopapain, green unripe papaya is believed to offer several health benefits.
Green unripe papaya also acts as a natural laxative and helps to relieve constipation. It is a natural and effective medicine to treat digestive and abdominal diseases such as dyspepsia, hyperacidity, and even dysentery.
Papaya fruit is available throughout the year and is popular due to its buttery texture(containing or covered with butter) and sweet taste when ripped fully. The unripe green papaya is usually consumed as a pickle, salad or even as a dessert when chilled.
Unriped green papaya show anti-bacterial and wound healing properties. It also acts as an effective digestive aid and relieves constipation.
How To Prepare Unriped Papaya Juice
- Get one Unriped papaya, wash it well and do not peel.
- Cut it into small cubes.
- Put in a jug and add water slightly above the level of the papaya cut.
- Cover and set it aside for three days.
- After the third day, sieve the papaya and drink the juice 1/4 for four days, Morning, Afternoon and Evening.
9 Health Benefits of Unripe Green Papaya
•It Is Medicinal
Green papaya leave can be used for medicine by getting the leaves, cutting it and allowing it to dry, and after that you pound it to dust and then mix it with hot water and absorb it
• Promotes Wound Healing
Unripe green papaya is of the earliest substances used in wound care. The phytochemical constituents of green papaya possess anti-inflammatory and the extracts of green papaya help to reduce skin inflammation and also promote wound healing. The wound healing property of green papaya is mainly attributed to papain and chymopapain, the enzymes that exert an ulcer protective effect. Papain also digests necrotic tissue and prevents wound infections
• Promote Digestive Health
papaya a protein digesting enzyme present in unripe green papaya is beneficial for people with digestive or pancreatic problems, or people who eat a lot of meat. Papain, the enzyme in papaya has the property of tenderizing meat and hence chunks of green papaya are used while cooking meat.
• It Solves Infection Problem
Green papaya shows a very significant antibacterial activity against common infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Shigella flexneri.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by E. coli, the green papaya presents as a natural cure. The unripe green papaya also fights against bacteria by scavenging the free radicals and superoxides that help in cellular metabolism for bacterial growth.
Unripe papaya is believed to improve the immune system and prevent illnesses such as recurrent ear infections, colds and flu. Interestingly, consumption of papaya helps restore normal intestinal flora that is destroyed due to the long-term use of antibiotics.
• Decreases Signs of Skin Aging
Unripe green papaya peel contains polyphenol compounds with potent antioxidant properties that offer protection against oxidative damage.
Antioxidants play a major role in skin care by reducing inflammation that causes acne. The antioxidants in green papaya are also known to help in firming the skin and reducing wrinkles. In addition, unripe green papaya is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E all of which are powerful antioxidants that play an important role in skin care. Papaya juice can be applied on the skin to remove blemishes. Green unripe papaya peel can be used to smoothen the skin and improve skin complexion. A paste made from the peel of green unripe papaya can be mixed with honey and used in regular skin care routine to soothe and moisturize the skin. Vitamin A present in green unripe papaya helps to restore and repair skin damage caused by sun exposure.
• Improves Lactation in New Mothers
Papaya fruit is completely safe to eat during pregnancy. However, unripe papaya may cause contractions of the uterus. The latex in unripe papaya may act like prostaglandin and oxytocin which the body produces to start labor.
• It Reduces Menstrual Pain
Green unripe papaya is used to reduce menstruation in women. The leaf extracts of green papaya reduce menstrual pain and prostaglandin levels.
Papaya leaves contain flavonoids which show anti-inflammatory properties that can inhibit an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX). Inhibition of this enzyme reduces the level of pain mediating prostaglandins. Unripe green papaya thus presents an effective and safe herbal remedy to reduce menstrual pain and cramps.
• Reduces the Risk of Heart illness
Green unripe papaya helps to convert homocysteine into amino acids such as cysteine or methionine. A high level of homocysteine is thought to pose a potential risk in damaging blood vessel walls that can result in heart attack or stroke. Unripe papaya helps control homocysteine levels in the blood by breaking them to amino acids thus reducing the risk of damage to the blood vessels.
Unripe green papaya contain blood pressure lowering agents. Green unripe papaya also contains fibrin, a useful compound not readily found in the plant kingdom. Fibrin improves blood flow and reduces the risk of blood clot formation thereby reducing the risk of blood vessel blockage and stroke.
• Papaya is used to prepare a Nigeria native soup.
On the other hand papaya is also a fruit that may not suit all individuals and it can cause some complications and damages to the body.
Some Important Side Effects Of Papaya You Need To Know
• May Cause Abortion
Raw papaya has been used as a natural way to terminate unwanted pregnancies. Taking unripe or semi-ripe papayas could be unsafe during pregnancy.
Papaya could cause an abortion, miscarriage, premature labor, abnormalities in the infant, and stillbirth.
Pregnant women may also experience hemorrhagic placentas so avoid consuming raw papaya to safeguard yourself and your baby.
• May Cause Carotenemia
If consumed in high quantities, the beta-carotene in papaya may cause discoloration of the skin, medically known as carotenemia. Some symptoms of Carotenemia are, yellowing of the eye whites, soles, and palms, similar to the symptoms of jaundice.
• Can Cause Respiratory Allergies
Excessive consumption of papaya may trigger various respiratory disorders, such as;
•Obstructed breathing
•Continuous congestion of the nasal passages/chest tightness•
•Itching and burning of the lips, mouth, ears, and throat
•Swelling of the tongue
•Watery eyes
•Swelling of the face
•Rashes on the floor of the mouth and tongue
NB: If you are allergic to all this make sure you wear gloves while cleaning papaya. Throw the peel and then remove your gloves. You should also cover your nose and mouth with a towel to avoid allergic reactions.
•May Upset The Stomach
Eating too much of papaya might upset your gastrointestinal system. This will cause an upset stomach, characterized by stomach irritation. The high fiber content of papaya can cause unrest in the digestive system.
• May Not Be Safe During Breastfeeding
Women are advised to include salads packed with green papaya to improve the flow of breast milk. Women who are lactating are told against including papaya, ripe as well as unripe, in their diet.
• May Interact With Blood-Thinning Medications
If you have a surgery due in a few weeks, avoid this fruit due to its anticoagulant nature.
People affected by blood clotting conditions, such as hemophilia and thrombosis, should also refrain from consuming this fiber delight. Check with your physician in case of any of the mentioned conditions.
• Can Be Toxic When Consumed In High Amounts
The leaves, seeds, and flesh of the papaya are abundant with carpaine, the anthelmintic alkaloid. While this chemical is effective in flushing out parasitic worms from your tummy, excess intake can cause undesirable effects. Anecdotal evidence suggests that a high intake of carpaine may cause the pulse rate to fall to dangerously low levels (potentially leading to a malfunctioning of the nervous system).
• May Cause Slower Heartbeat
People with cardiac disorders should avoid using papaya. The papain present in this golden-orange flesh fruit is thought to slow down the rate of heartbeat in a precarious way, possibly triggering serious cardiovascular conditions. If you have any cardiovascular issues, do consult your doctor before consuming papaya.
• Can Aggravate Diarrhea
Just like other fibrous fruits, papaya may also aggravate diarrhea if consumed in large amounts. The fiber may bind with the stools and worsen the condition, leaving you at the risk of dehydration.
•Can Be Unsafe For Infants Below 1 Year
Mother's are been advised not to feed papaya to infants below the age of 1. This could be due to the presence of fiber in abundance. Excessive fiber intake has two major negative impacts:
•It could trigger loose stools.
• It could harden the stools, leaving the baby constipated.
NB: Consult your doctor before you give your baby this fruit in any form, raw or ripe.
A big thanks to all Nobel steemians.
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