This is Important because Actually I still use all keyboard ouch damn it, Dell, Model: SK-8125, it’s good though but sometimes sucks lol, like using it but you know as old model keyboard, it’s so big and the keys 🎹 are as well big.
Sometimes it’s very difficult to type faster but I’ve got to manage this until I can afford to buy a new beautiful nice keyboard that will help in typing faster.
This keyboard is great lol, it saved me more times because it sometimes stop working and if I give it time abs come back later boom, it will be working again, though it’s CTRL(Control) key isn’t working again but I still manage it abs it feels so good,lol 😂 .
You that’s was just some kind of fun about my keyboard ⌨️, hope you like it though, no worries I’ll share with you when I get my new keyboard lol. Have fun and enjoy the weekend 🥳🥳.