My biggest source of suffering in the west is information asymetry, where all is almost only lies, and if not, it's to engage the next one...

in hive-171736 •  4 years ago 

that's very isolating and frustrating... for example to wear a face mask in january 2020 and having everyone looking like if I was an idiot, with the exception of the few chinese redoing their mask harvesting tours in any place where they could have been a refill...

ahhh I saw pedogen keane on foxnews... as said noretaliatio&first strike, those morons and all like him are pedos, you give even an inch they will believe that they can rape you... it's pure brutal.

it's sad to wish the death of 1m american soldiers, but so are the current times.

I hope it will be swift, extremely brutal with 0 on our side.

I guess there are certainly ways to avoid it, however, it only rest on their side, and for that I have no hope. it's too late... but we will win ! and that's cool, as always... hehehe

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