Achievement 3 by @abdulrehmanchan task||Content Etiquette

in hive-172186 •  3 years ago  (edited)


What is plagiarism

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence.

Types of plagiarism

Direct plagiarism

Direct plagiarism to record the name and name of another person's work category, without giving and without quotation marks. Deliberately copying someone else's work is wrong, academically unreliable, and disciplinary action can be taken, including dismissal.


Self-plagiarism happens when a student submits previously completed work, or sections of previously completed work, without the permission of all teachers involved. Inserting a piece of paper written in high school into a paper issued for college study, for example, would be unacceptable.self-plagiarism also applies to delivering the same piece of assignments to different subjects without the prior permission of both professionals.

Mosaics plagiarism

Mosaics Plagiarism occurs when a student borrows terms from a source without citing the source, or when a student finds comparable words in the author's language while preserving the same overall structure and true meaning. Even if you write your own footnote, this form of glossary, also referred to as "patch writing," is not academically reliable and punitive, whether deliberate or not.

Accidental plagiarism

Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person negligently quotes their sources, or misuses their sources, or deliberately misrepresents the source by using the same words, word groups, and / or sentence structures without giving. Students must learn to quote their sources and take careful and accurate notes when conducting research. Lack of purpose does not free the student from the burden of plagiarism. Accidental fraud cases are considered as serious as any other cheating and are subject to different effects similar to other forms of plagiarism.

Why should you avoide plagiarism?

There are many reasons to avoid cheating. At first it may seem too difficult to make up your own mind, and you may find yourself putting the text of others around you while trying to understand and accept their arguments. However, it is important that you learn to improve your voice. You are not expected to be the first professional, but you are expected to be independent - by learning to evaluate and evaluate the work of others, weigh various issues and make your own conclusions. Student cheating undermines student learning habits while avoiding an important part of the learning process.Because you want to generate high-quality work, you should avoid cheating. It should be simple to stop cheating once you've defined the rules of use for the source and quotation.
In addition, you will reap additional benefits from both the benefits and the quality of your writing. It is important to understand that having a writing ability in education is not only a practical skill, but one that gives credibility and authority to your work, and demonstrates your commitment to the goal of academic integrity in education.

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Hello @abdulrehmanchan, your post is not 100% original. Edit your post, plagiarism is an act that not tolerated.

Dear @fombae


You have passed Achievement 3 on Content Etiquette. Understanding the concept of Plagiarism is very important on the steemit platform.

Rating: 2

Please get ready for the next task on Achievement 4: Applying Markdowns Link You expected to use some advance markdown tags using some of the given markdown templates.


  • Make sure you use images belonging to you or are copyright-free images.
  • Make sure your content is 100% original, act of plagiarism is not tolerated.
  • Make sure you label your screenshots with your username with visible highlights.

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