Assalam o alaikum abeeha abbas here! Here is my achievement 3 post for stand against plagiarism.
Now i will begin by defining what plagiarism is.
What is Plagiarism:
Plagiarism is a criminal act that comprises of stealing someone else’s research, opinions and choice of words. In lay man language Plagiarism is copying and pasting other person's word and label it as your own without giving them the credits they deserve. However after giving or mentioning the credits there is a percentage limit decided by the higher ups for each researches for Plagiarism with the credits.
We discussed earlier that using someone else’s research is said to be plagiarised but in order to get some knowledge about the topic we are researching we have to study from various sources and researches. So what makes it plagiarised is copying the exact same things that are written on the other person’s work but if you are making a clear understanding of the research and then write it in your own ways and words is one way of avoiding Plagiarism
Other way of avoiding Plagiarism is giving reference of that particular article in the end of your research paper to give credits to the original writer
Consequences of Plagiarism:
The after effect of Plagiarism is lack of originality and ignorance of the original holder of the work. Of your plagiarised content got the acceptance that the original writer couldn’t that must be a unjust to the original owner of the work. There might be a full stop on new releases because of the Plagiarism. Plagiarism can promote slacking and ignorance of hard work.
Plagiarism can cost a researcher the cancellation of license, fine and a suspension for years. The research papers get rejected after a several percentage of plagiarism and plagiarism without reference.