1. They pay attention to your details
A good sign is if someone acknowledges that you’ve noticed something special about them and are making an effort to draw them in. This is the mark of a good listener, and a person who makes an effort to see you as their own. As far as compliments go, pay attention to what you do notice. Are you reading their body language? Are you making eye contact? Are you reacting on the inside with attraction? Think about what these things mean. They’re the signs of a person who likes you enough to notice what you like, and is making an effort to keep the lines of communication open.
2. They call you
When people don’t reach out to someone, they might think they’re giving you space, but they are really keeping a distance. Either they don’t feel close enough to you to think of calling you, or they think you don’t have feelings for them. A good sign is when someone takes the initiative and reaches out to you. Not many people are comfortable calling someone they haven’t met yet, but the more comfortable you become, the better they will feel, and the more it will translate to the other side.
Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash
3. They compliment you
Praise is not the same as compliment. A good compliment can even come in the form of a subtle reminder that you need to buy them a gift. But if they are praising you in the way you would appreciate, the chances are you’ve connected well enough to be in good company. When someone appreciates the unique qualities of another human being, it’s a sure sign they like you as well.
4. They laugh at your jokes
Remember when you and your significant other first met? It was probably when they laughed at your jokes. There’s no bigger sign that they are into you than to be receptive to your humor, whether you’re making a joke about your business partner’s sex life or making fun of your dad’s Scottish accent. Good humor is a major turn-on, and if they laugh at you, you know you’ve got a friend for life.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
5. They speak to you on a deeper level
Most people are skilled in two-way communications. We can have a one-way conversation with a lot of people, but it’s more engaging when we can give more than we get. Even if we are in a relationship, we can still be able to find our person of the moment by going to deeper places with them. Good signs are when people open up to you and start to share some deeper truths about themselves. Whether it’s sharing a deep secret, or sharing a heart-felt memory, it’s the sign of a person who cares enough to be vulnerable, which is a serious sign of compatibility.
6. They reach out to you on social media
Partners tend to hang out with their friends, but they also know their significant other is also with someone. If someone you don’t know reaches out to you and becomes the first person to ask you how you’re doing, it’s a sure sign they like you. It shows they’re more concerned about what’s going on in your life than what’s going on in their.
7. They make an effort to introduce you to their family
A big sign is when you get an invite to meet the family. If you’re not close with the significant other, it can be intimidating to meet the entire family, but when someone is more than willing to take that step, it’s usually a strong sign that they care enough about you to want you to feel comfortable. If you’re close with their family, they will have taken the time to make it a big deal when they introduced you to them, and you know it’s not just an attempt to get you closer.