The dairy game 5th day 10 Aug 2020 today time spend how is it

in hive-172186 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone , hello steemit I hope everyone is doing great. I'm Akhilesh back with another day of the dairy game. Today is my 5th dairy entery and today. I spend my time with my friend.

Today another day of full of enjoy when sunshine. Today i wake up at 5 o'clock
I went to a morning walk in highway.


At around 8:30 AM breakfast finished. My family and I ate together. And the food was delicious today may be because I very hungray. After breakfast my friend Rupesh to Confirm today's plan of goning college.we decided to go al 12:00 PM . My friend came to my house at 11:30 AM and pick me up on car without wasting any time we went to college.

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This my college front view i hope everone like my college.
Then we all complete work in college. And that meet to all friend. After all this schedule it felt exhausted in the night so I started scrolling on social media and waching zee news live in youtube . After study in my room only along then finished study. Then mother called me diner was ready on the table and we had diner after dinner I wrote my the dairy game on steemit. After take one night pic click in my town.


This dark night today in my city.i hope like my photo. And I directly headed to bed.

How this is my today my post. #Stay #home #stay #safe #stay #healthy. Thank you For visiting here. Good night all of you friend.

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