In 2022, a Japanese man known as Toco gained notoriety for an unusual endeavour -he spent $14,000 to transform himself into a dog. His escapades unfolded on the 'I Want To Be An Animal' YouTube channel, where he chronicled life as a canine, creating a mix of intrigue and controversy.
Toco's virtual stardom blossomed as he shared videos portraying everyday life with dog-like activities such as walking, eating dog food, and mastering tricks. Despite keeping his true identity under wraps, Toco continued captivating online audiences with his peculiar lifestyle choices.
Failed agility test
Adding a new chapter to his doggy adventures, Toco attempted a Crufts-style agility test in his backyard. The resulting Instagram video showcased a humorous mishap as he stumbled and collided with hurdles while clad in a custom-made collie costume.
Zeppet, a company specialising in costume creation for TV and film, brought Toco's vision to life by crafting the bespoke collie costume. The meticulous work took 40 days, underscoring Toco's commitment to embracing his canine alter ego.
Also watch | A Japanese man spends 2 Million Yen to become a dog
The viral agility test video stirred diverse reactions online. While some criticised Toco's eccentric choice, deeming it bizarre, others found it amusing and harmless.
Comments ranged from commending his bravery to playful remarks about the endearing quality of his "crash land photos." However, concerns were raised about Toco's mental well-being, with some asserting that dogs inherently differ from humans, regardless of costumes.