We have more to learn from animals, than animals have to learn from us.

in hive-172186 β€’Β  4 years agoΒ 

Please show respect all living beings ..... Every living beings have a soul like you 🀍🌏.
Humans are an important part of nature. It is an old program that says humans are detrimental and destructive to nature. Our original design is not this way, it is a false belief program that has deterred us away from our natural state and kept us from using our beautiful human gifts in co-creation with the rest of nature.

Go sit in the forest. Breath in the vitality of the plants and the fresh air. Breath out your love, your magic, your song. You will learn how to contribute your true gifts to nature again. The future of the earth depends on humans waking up from the false belief systems and remembering their interwoven ways with the living, breathing earth.

You are important to the plants.

You are important to the animals.

You are important to the insects.

You are a necessary piece of the brilliant puzzle of earth.

Frog snuggling under a flower in the rain, absolutely adorable

Friends ❀️

What a sweet moment, I love warthogs ❀️

Do you think I m beautiful 😘?

Please don't eat, love us and treat with respect. I love you all light souls. 🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🌏From my heart to yours... 🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🀍🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

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